  • 學位論文

張羣戰後的政治活動-兼論其與蔣中正之關係 (1945-1948)

Chang Chun’s Post-war Political activity- And A Study of Chang Chun’s connection with Chiang Kai-shek (1945-1948)

指導教授 : 吳振漢


張羣戰後的政治活動-兼論其與蔣中正之關係(1945-1948) 中文摘要 本文主旨是討論張羣的角色變化。張羣與蔣中正的關係建立於清末奠定於革命,對日戰前張羣便擔任蔣中正的幕僚,而張羣的角色變化全來自蔣中正賦予的任務。戰後張羣被指派為重慶會談的代表,其實質意義就是蔣中正的代表,一方面在蔣的框架下作最有利的取捨;一方面能得到和談後的政治利益。會談上張羣不時堅定表明立場,並提到政府已讓步甚多,一退一進,博得同情。蔣勻田在回憶錄中就認為最有資格當周恩來對手的,僅有張羣一人,足見張羣的重要性。重慶會談結束後,國府方面希望盡快召開政治協商會議卻因國共雙方在接收問題上大啟爭端,關於政治協商的準備會議也轉變為「恢復」交通線的商談。交涉期間張羣擔任「中間人」與「協調者」的角色,成為蔣中正與共黨的溝通管道,雖未調停成功卻從此看出蔣對張羣的信任。1947年4月23日張羣正式任行政院長,在任行政院長之前,張羣在民社黨以及青年黨之中斡旋,以促成非「一黨執政」的政府,最後張君勱在國民黨的授意下,推舉張羣作行政院長。張羣對蔣中正來說就是一顆活棋,張羣往哪裡擺,都能使其發揮最大功效。張羣在行政院長任內通過許多措施,這些措施都是為了幫助蔣中正對抗中共,雖然困難重重,在國府委員會仍有許多反對的聲音,不過張羣仍排除萬難,只為了幫助蔣中正。所以張羣從「中間人」、「協調者」的角色轉變為「執行者」,清楚且完整的執行蔣中正的政策。 關鍵字:張羣、蔣中正、行政院長、民社黨、青年黨


張羣 蔣中正 行政院長 民社黨 青年黨


Chang Chun’s Post-war Political activity- And A Study of Chang Chun’s connection with Chiang Kai-shek (1945-1948) Abstract This article discusses Chang Chun’s shifting political roles after World War II. Chang Chun’s political relationship with Chiang Kai-shek started from the end of Qing Dynasty and was established during the period of revolution. Chan Chun had assumed Chiang Kai-shek’s staff before the war against Japan. And Chang’s various political roles were due to different tasks assigned by Chiang. After World War II, Chang was appointed as the representative in Chongqing Negotiations, which was essentially the representative of Chiang; on the one hand, he did the best trade-offs within the framework of Chiang, on the other, he was able to obtain political gain. During the negotiations, Chang expressed firmly his standpoint frequently, and referred to that the Government had made quite a lot of concessions; through the advance and retreat skills he won many people’s compassion. Chiang Yun-tien referred to in his memoir that Chang Chun is the most and the only capable person to compete with Chou En-lai; here it reveals to us the significance of Chang. After the Chongqing negotiations, the Nationalist government hoped to convene the Political Consultative Conference as soon as possible, but this was blocked by the conflict between Kuomintang and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the issue of taking over of Manchuria; as a result, the recovery of communication between KMT and CCP became actually the main issue in the preparation session for the Political Consultative Conference. During negotiations, Chan Chun played the role of a coordinator or an intermediary to become a communication channel between Chiang Kai-shek and CCP. Here the trust in Chang Chun by Chiang can be seen though the fact that they failed to mediate a settlement. Before Chang Chun assumed the President of the Executive Yuan on April 23rd, 1947, he meditated between Democratic Socialist Party and Chinese Youth Party to facilitate a non-one-party state. Afterward, at the behest of KMT, Chang Jun-mai put forward Chang as the President of the Executive Yuan. Chan Chun was to Chiang a good facilitator; he played a big role wherever he was placed. During Chang Chun’s administration, many measures were passed to help for Chiang against CCP. Though beset with difficulties, and facing many objections from the Government commission, he struggled against all difficulties to help Chiang. Chang Chun’s political roles shifted from an intermediary, a mediator to an executive. He carried out Chiang’s policy correctly and completely. Key words: Chang Chun, Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Executive Yuan, Democratic Socialist Party, Chinese Youth Party


陶涵(Taylor, Jay),《蔣介石與現代中國的奮鬥》,臺北:時報文化,2010年。
