  • 學位論文


From “Architectural Drawing” to “Landscape Painting ": The Changes of Wilton House Pictures in the Eighteenth Century

指導教授 : 謝佳娟


威爾頓莊園(Wilton House, Wiltshire)是一座以帕拉迪歐主義式(Palladianism)的南面建築與庭中造景聞名於世的英國鄉間別墅,今日研究者多將單張的威爾頓莊園圖像分別作為解說建築史風格與庭園史風格的圖例。然而,威爾頓莊園圖像不僅是莊園形象的解說圖,也可以有其它的解讀觀點。由於威爾頓莊園圖像的類型多元、完整度高,比起一般的英國莊園圖像,更可以進行統整與說明。因而,本文將著重在統整與比較17 世紀末到 18 世紀上半葉的威爾頓莊園圖像,透過比較不同類型的威爾頓莊園圖像,由圖像的製作始末、描繪內容來說明與闡述威爾頓莊園圖像的演變過程。 論文第一章將從威爾頓莊園的庭園設計圖、建築圖、地誌圖和房產肖像畫,觀察這些圖像如何呈現出威爾頓莊園的基本形象。第二章則比較18世紀上半葉的英國莊園圖像,探求英國庭園圖像中常出現的代表場景與點景元素,並繼續以其中的威爾頓莊園圖像為主,延續到第三章,討論製作在相同年代由理查・威爾森(Richard Wilson, 1714-1782)所繪製的威爾頓莊園圖像。探究威爾森如何以不同的點景人物與配置,呈現出與其它莊園圖像各異的圖像主旨,並指出威爾森的威爾頓莊園圖像之繪畫特色。在全文討論下,本文將指出威爾頓莊園圖像在各個時代中的風貌,透過比較不同威爾頓莊園圖像所呈現的場景與人物,突顯威爾頓莊園圖像在英國風景畫領域中的特殊地位,可以作為觀看 18 世紀英國風景畫的一則案例。


Wilton House is a Palladianism English Country House, which has been famous for its south front and Wilton garden. Scholars nowadays always studied it as a picture to examine architectural history and garden history. However, Wilton House pictures can not just be explained as images of a country house, but can also be explored from other points of view. Comparing with the other English Country House pictures, Wilton House pictures have many genre and might form a complete set, so they have more values to be researched. Therefore, this thesis will focus on the content of Wilton House pictures of the late 17th century to the early 18th century. In order to elaborate the changes of Wilton House pictures, I will compare the different genre of Wilton House pictures, discuss how the artists made the pictures and what the artists depicted in the pictures. The first chapter traces the background of the Wilton House pictures, which include architectural drawings, garden drawings, topography views and house portraits. I will also observe how these different types of country house pictures represent the image of Wilton House. The second chapter examines the country house pictures in the first half of 18th century and explores how these pictures represent English country house. The third chapter focuses on Richard Wilson’s Wilton House pictures. By comparing them with other house portraits, I will point out the characteristics in Wilson’s paintings. In the conclusion, as the title indicates, this thesis aims to show the changes of Wilton House pictures in the 18th Century, and to hightlignt the differences of Wilton House pictures in English landscape painting history.


Herbert, Charles. Wilton House Guidebook, London: Pitkin Pictorials, 1973.
Unknown Author, Hudson's Historic Houses and Gardens. N Hudson & Co, 1999.
Wilkinson, Nevile Rodwell. Wilton House Guide, A Handbook for Visitors, Chiswick Press, 1908. & General Books LLC, 2009.
Batey, Mavis. & Lambert, David. The English Garden Tour: A View into the Past, John Murray Publishers Ltd, 1991.
