  • 學位論文


Compare Starbucks with Cama attract consumers buying factors-A Means-End Chain Approach

指導教授 : 許秉瑜


近幾年台灣飲用咖啡人口急速增加,且咖啡產業蓬勃發展,如雨後春筍般紛紛興起開創咖啡店,因此希望本研究以MEC方法為理論基礎,深入探討吸引消費者購買咖啡的屬性、結果及價值之間的鏈結關係。 由於MEC理論大多用於探討消費者購買決策上價值觀之不同,本研究提供以「方法目的鏈」為研究方法,探討國內消費者偏好購買Starbucks及偏好購買Cama拿鐵的消費行為與其價值觀。並以階梯訪談法訪談消費者,進一步編碼探討A/C/V三者之間關係,並試圖以階層價值圖來分析其異同。 本研究發現偏好星巴克消費者與偏好Cama消費者之異同如下:(1)雖然產品定位不同,但卻重視相同的價值觀,同樣追求「心情愉悅」、「享受生活」及「自我滿足」。(2)偏好星巴克消費者的價值觀多偏重於psychological consequences;偏好Cama消費者的價值觀偏重於functional consequences。(3)分析HVM圖的主要路徑與各階層要素的鏈結次數,並且分析比較,可以貼近消費者內心真正的價值,有助於擬定行銷策略以符合顧客價值。


In recent years, Taiwan's population of drinking coffee increased rapidly and booming coffee industry. More coffee shops are created. Therefore, in this study a method based on the MEC theory, depth to attract consumers to buy coffees reasons. Also in purchase decision process, to investigate the relationship between consequences and values, what kind of products attributes can provide benefits that consumers wanted. Since the MEC theory is mostly used to explore different consumer purchase decision-making and values, this study use soft laddering to interview preference Starbucks Latte buyers and preference Cama Latte buyers, and use content analysis to find out different among consumers’ A/C/W relationships. Final, coding A/C/W’s elements, making implication matrix, and drawing a Hierarchical Value Map to found out: 1.Although product positioning is different, pursuing the same values for happiness, enjoy life and self-satisfaction. 2.Preference for Starbucks consumers’ values more emphasis on psychological consequences; preference Cama consumers’ values emphasis on functional consequences. 3.On HVM map, analyzing the main path from A-C-V, and counting the numbers of direct links between elements. Found out the consumers’’ value and behavior behind purchasing. And provide a reasonable explanation and develop marketing strategies to meet customer value.


Means-End Chain Soft Laddering HVM Starbucks Cama coffee Latte


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