  • 學位論文

品質失效分析與客訴流程管理 -以太陽能電池為例

指導教授 : 高信培


在能源逐漸短缺的時代,各種替代能源的發展變成一個大家極度關心的議題,相較於核能,太陽能是種低汙染的能源替代方式,被譽為是最乾淨且安全的能源。近年來在環保意識抬頭與各國政府的鼓勵下,太陽能源模組裝置也逐漸普及化。一般太陽能模組的保固期間為二十五年,因為保固時間長,故對於產品的可靠度要求也相對較高,為了確保太陽能模組產品使用年限能大於業者的保固時間,故在生產階段的品質控制顯得相當重要。 本研究探討太陽能電池的品質議題,依模組客戶反饋的不良問題進行分類,利用特性要因圖有系統的層析造成不良問題的原因,從中建立產品的失效模式與效應分析(Failure Mode & Effect Analysis, FMEA),並以風險優先順序(RPN)值輔助評估改善前後成效,借鑒這些量產過或正在生產中的不良原因,做為後續新產品改進與改善方向、降低開發階段時的不良損害;同時將透過ARIS優化現有的客戶抱怨流程作業,以期在處理客戶反應的品質議題上,能更有系統、更精確且快速地回覆客戶所面臨的問題,進而提高客戶滿意度。


Due to the energy shortage, developing of alternative energy is becoming a popular issue. Comparing with nuclear power, solar energy is a low-pollution alternative energy, which was called the cleanest and safety energy in the world. In recent year, due to the government advocate and environmental protection consciousness gains ground, installing photovoltaic module have growing into popularized. Generally, the warranty of photovoltaic module is 25 years, since the long warranty period, the reliability request of product is also higher. To make sure the photovoltaic module life time could be longer than the warranty period, the in-process quality control is very important. This research discusses the quality issue of solar cell by classifying the defect from customer complaint and feedback case. It combines the cause-effect diagram to analyzing the root cause and FMEA (Failure Mode & Effect Analysis) to evaluating the RPN (Risk Priority Number) effectiveness of corrective action. Take those mass production defect or in-process issue as a reference when improving or developing a new product, to reduce the loss on developing stage. Also, the ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information System)is applied to optimize customer complaint procedure, for responding customer’s case more efficiently, and raise customer satisfaction.




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