  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study of followership in Chinese society.

指導教授 : 林文政


本研究旨在釐清領導者視角之華人社會追隨力內涵,提供框架為其概念意涵進行分類,並比較中西方追隨力之異同。研究採取質性的研究方法,藉由與橫跨各個產業及管理層級之25位台灣企業主管進行半結構式的深度訪談,將訪談內容轉謄為逐字稿,並依據歸納法之研究程序:初步資料整理、初步陳述句歸類、進階陳述句歸類、形成概念向度,共歸納出36類陳述句以及8大概念向度,包含了獻謀出策、使命必達、團隊促進、人脈建立、自我驅動、虛心受教、主管同理以及主管忠誠。在得出追隨力之概念意涵後,本研究進一步以「工作—關係」、「行動—價值信念」作為兩軸,共區分出四個象限,並以此為追隨力之8大概念向度進行分類,有助於從不同的角度增進對於追隨力之詮釋與理解。而在將研究結果與西方追隨力文獻比較後發現,兩種文化情境皆強調追隨者應具備積極主動精神、勇於承擔責任、獨立思考以及自我驅動的能力,然而華人社會之文化特色,如低個人主義、重視和諧與人情法則等,亦影響主管認知有效追隨力,華人主管相較於西方社會更重視追隨者在人際、情感相關面向之展現,如人脈的建立、團隊促進以及具備主管同理與忠誠。 本研究之結果有助於扭轉追隨者過去較為負面、被動之形象,並可作為追隨者在追隨領導者時之參考模範,協助追隨者了解自己之角色價值所在並增進自我能力。此外,研究結果亦可作為企業主管於提拔優秀人才時的參考指標,擴充評鑑時的深度與廣度。


The purpose of this article is to explore the meaning of followership from leader’s perspective in Chinese society, provide a systematic framework for the concepts associated with followership, and also compare the differences of followership between Chinese culture and Western culture. This study adopts a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 participants in Taiwan working in a variety of industries and all of the participants are supervisors across every management level. Qualitative coding of interview data was conducted using the inductive analysis method. 36 categories of statement and 8 dimensions were obtained from the analyses. Furthermore, we used “task versus relationship” and “action versus belief” as two axes, and developed a model of followership consisting of four quadrants in order to provide a clear and systematic framework of followership. Lastly, we compared the meaning of followership between Chinese culture and Western culture. The results showed that both of these two cultures emphasized that followers should be proactive, initiative taking, providing constructive advices, willing to take responsibility and self-driven. But Chinese leaders put more emphasis on interpersonal-related dimensions, such as promoting teamwork, building up social network, empathy and loyalty to the leaders. The results of this study could be a role model for the followers/subordinators to help them know which parts can be a room for improvement and make them become a transcendent follower. For the leaders/supervisors, this study will be also helpful to identify talents who were effective to the leaders.


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