  • 學位論文


All-fiber based highly flexible optically transparent piezoelectric harvester for self-powered wearable deformation sensor.

指導教授 : 傅尹坤


本論文利用近場電紡織技術(near-field electrospinning,NFES)研究壓電奈米纖維,製作成壓電獵能器及形變感測器,主要重點為(1)製作奈米發電機(nanogenerator,NG)/形變感測器,並研究不同電極密度對輸出之影響,(2)利用乾式轉印技術將Au-coated纖維轉印至聚二甲基矽氧烷 (polydimethylsiloxane,PDMS)上,完成具可撓且透明的電極,(3)將透明電極結合近場電紡織技術,開發出全纖維式可撓、透明壓電獵能器。以直寫(direct-write)方式將壓電高分子材料聚偏氟乙烯(polyvinylidene fluoride,PVDF)利用NFES技術將微/奈米纖維(micro/nanofibers,MNFs)大面積排列在可撓性基底上製作成奈米發電機,並且進行一系列訊號量測與驗證。我們將奈米發電機/形變感測器固定於人體關節(手指、腳踝)上運用關節移動來產生訊號,且可區分不同動作之訊號。最後作出全纖維式可撓、透明壓電獵能器,將其同方向捲成圓柱狀獵能器,研究圓柱狀直徑對協同增強效應之影響。


This thesis mainly research on fabrication of nanogenerator (NG), piezoelectric technology and application in electrospinning. The focus of the study is (1) A flexible, self-powered deformation sensor based on NG (2) Pattern transfer of aligned Au-coated nano wires as flexible transparent electrode using electrospun nanofibers template, (3) All-fiber transparent piezoelectric harvester with a cooperatively enhanced structure. We demonstrate a direct-write, in-situ poled polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) micro/nanofibers (MNFs) arrays that could functions as a self-powered active deformation sensor. The device could easily detect, and also discriminate, various human motions related to the extension and flexion of the ankle. Furthermore, we demonstrated a highly-flexible all-fiber based transparent piezoelectric harvester (ATPH). Cooperatively enhanced effect was also demonstrated in ATPHs performance improvement by rolling the device to a cylindrical shape.


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