  • 學位論文


An Exploration of the Relationship among Leadership Styles, Organizational communicational satisfaction and Job Performance:

指導教授 : 黃同圳 鄭晉昌


隨著經濟景氣變動,有些組織變成了泡沫,消失無蹤,有些組織卻能大幅成長,由學者研究中發現,組織的領導者與組織溝通在其中扮演非常重要的角色,而每位領導者的領導風格皆不一樣,各組織溝通也不同,如能了解不同的領導風格與溝通滿意對員工工作績效的影響,將有助於組織主管掌握及調整自己的領導風格,及增加員工溝通滿意度來提昇員工工作績效,進而創造良好的組織績效。 本研究係針對A個案公司員工所知覺的主管領導風格與組織溝通,對其工作績效的影響進行探討,目的為:(1).探討主管領導風格對員工工作績效之影響情形,(2).探討員工對組織溝通感受程度對其工作績效之影響情形。本研究採用問卷調查方式,總計發出300份問卷,實得有效問卷共199份,回收率達66.3%,經相關及迴歸等統計分析後,主要發現如下: A個案公司員工知覺主管領導行為中有轉換型領導與交易型領導的存在,轉換型領導及交易型領導均對工作績效有顯著正向影響,其中轉換型領導相較交易型領導更能有效預測員工工作績效,意指主管必須具備影響部屬的魅力領導特質,塑造共同願景,並透過理想化的影響、心靈的鼓舞、啟發部屬的智慧及個別化的關懷,而促使員工努力,進而達成組織發展之目標,此種轉換型領導管理行為越高,員工工作績效也越高。 依相關分析數據顯示,員工所知覺的組織溝通在主管溝通、同事溝通與工作績效均具有高度顯著正相關,尤其是在同事溝通更是明顯;而公司溝通則因員工感知公司若有政策改變時的內部主動告知與公司內部公告對工作績效甚少相關。 在迴歸分析上,主管溝通、同事溝通與皆對工作績效有顯著的影響,表示員工知覺溝通滿足越佳時,越能提升員工工作績效,也就是公司在組織溝通規劃中考量強化及維持良好員工溝通平台與管理制度時,員工彼此了解工作情況與分享資訊,有助於提高員工工作績效,而公司溝通雖數字上呈現負向顯著影響,本研究推論為被同事溝通淨掉(partial out),因而產生此結果。 最後,本研究亦根據研究結果提出結論與建議予A個案公司,期望研究結果對於A個案公司未來在組織溝通及適度調整主管管理行為上有重要的參考價值,以因應組織發展之下主管與員工所需面臨的重要挑戰。


This research based on the conducted surveys will serve as an indicator on how different style of leadership may profoundly influence an employee’s performance and secondly how a company’s communication policy and management has its impact on employee’s performance. 300 questionnaires were distributed and 199 among them were valid sample. The percentage of validity is high as 66.3%. We drew out some correlated relationships from the surveys and regression analysis. In our sample of IC design house, the junior subordinates believed their direct authority mirrors two types of leadership in general, transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Both have positive influence in inducing employees’ high performance. When we compare those two, transformational leadership scores are higher than transactional leadership, a foreseeable higher employee performance rate. Employees whom under the supervision of transformational leadership recognized their direct superior has the trait of charismatic leadership to shaping a vision and through the idealization, inspire the soul to develop their knowledge and strived them to reach the goal. Transformational leadership motives an employee’s performance. What we have discovered in our correlation analysis is that there is a positive link on corporate communication, co-worker communication and supervisor communication with comparison to employee performance; co-worker communication shows greater involvement among all the factors. In regression analysis conducted, supervisor communication & co-worker communication significantly affected organizational performance. Although corporate communication stated negative affection, was caused partial out by co-worker communication. By reinforcing the openness of communication can help to keep or raise the job performance. Lastly, our findings hope to serve as a reference and guidance to any individual IC design House in their future planning on organizational communication. Such enlightenment helps leaders innovate their strategies in dealing with constant stream of new organizational challenges.


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