  • 學位論文


The Study of Indoor Air Quality on High-riser – A Case Study of X Company

指導教授 : 蕭大智


隨著世代的不斷演進,人們由農業社會進入工商社會後,生活型態、產業結構、消費行為及建築特性的變遷下,室內空氣品質問題應運而生。高層建築大樓之室內環境中,人員的活動、設備與化合物質的使用以及建物本身結構的問題,都可能成為室內環境污染的來源。 近年來,隨著國人對於室內環境(空氣)品質意識的抬頭,政府機關亦著手修訂國內室內空氣品質之相關政策,並持續推動及法令制定,而「室內空氣品質管理法」也於100年11月8日經立法院三讀通過,並於當年11月23日由總統公布實施。 本研究利用「辦公大樓室內空氣品質評估查核表」,先行針對使用空間進行室內空氣品質預測,結果顯示空氣品質「不良」與「差」的區域佔31.03 %,實地進行建築大樓各樓層使用空間的量測作業,二氧化碳濃度超過室內空氣品質標準的樓層數佔總樓層38 %;總碳氫化合物也有44%的樓層數超過室內空氣品質標準;部分樓層之PM2.5達到47.77 µg/m3,PM10也累積至77.91 µg/m3皆超過室內空氣品質標準。經由健康風險分析,大樓內的「呼吸系統」危害佔72.73 %,比「心血管系統」(7.27 %)與「眼睛」(3.64 %)都高出許多。 針對既有建築大樓在不變更空調系統與人員作業模式下,執行三項改善計畫,包括「空調循環系統改善」、「軟焊作業區改善」及「IAQ查核表改善」。改善成效皆能降低氣狀污染物與粒狀污染物的整體濃度,相對也降低人員的健康風險。


The indoor air quality problem arises in the wake of generation evolution, life style of human changed from agricultural oriented society to an industrial and business oriented society, and other changes like industrial structure, consumer behavior and architectural characteristics. Activities of people, the use of equipment and chemical substances, problems of building structure may become the root causes of pollution inside the high-riser. With an awareness of indoor air quality among Taiwanese people in recent years, government manages to amend relevant policies of national indoor air quality and promotes the implementation of such a regulation. Hence, the law of indoor air quality was approved by the Legislative Yuan on Nov. 08, 2011 and announced execution by the President on Nov. 23 in the same year. This study uses “Indoor Air Quality Assessment Checklist of Office Building” as a tool to predict the indoor air quality for space used. The result shows 31.03 % of areas are ranked as “not good” or “bad.” A field assessment of space used in high-risers shows 38% of floors, the CO2volume of whichexceeds the standard of indoor air quality. On 44% of floors, the total hydrocarbon volume of which also exceeds standard. On some floors, PM2.5reaches 47.77 µg/m3, while PM10 also accumulates up to 77.91 µg/m3, which all exceed indoor air quality standard. Through health risk analysis, the hazard for “respiratory system” within high-riser amounts to 72.73%, which is so much higher than that of “cardiovascular system (7.27%)” and “eye (3.64).” Under the modes of no further changes of A/C system and personnel operation in existing high-risers, 3 improvement plans are to be implemented, including “improvement of A/C circulation system”, “improvement of welding area”, and “improvement of IAQ checklist.” The outcome of improvement shows the volume of gaseous pollutants and particulate pollutants can be reduced, which also reduces the health risk of personnel.


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