  • 學位論文


Willing To Pay (WTP) Analysis To Residential LED Light Bulb

指導教授 : 劉錦龍


中文摘要 各國政府為降低溫室氣體排放及節省能源消費,紛紛制定白熾燈泡禁用政策並鼓勵民眾多使用能源效率較高的燈具,LED燈因據有高發光效率,低耗電量的特性,可以減低民眾對能源消耗的需求,且LED燈不像省電燈泡或螢光燈管內含汞,會對環境的造成污染,在政府的鼓勵政策及廠商大量的投入,LED球泡燈售價已大幅度下降但市場滲透率並未如預期。故本研究採用問卷調查方式收集相關資料做統計分析及回歸分析。回歸分析部分以OLS模型及Tobit模型對於假設問題一,分析消費者對於目前發光亮度僅可以取代15W省電燈泡的11W LED球泡燈的願付價格分析研究;再以Probit 模型對假設問題二,分析消費者對於發光亮度進步而可以取代24W省電燈泡的11W LED球泡燈是否願意增加額外購買成本,最後以OLS模型及Heckman模型對假設問題二,分析消費者對於發光亮度進步的11W LED球泡燈的願付價格。 研究結果發現消費者對LED的認知度無論是LED的功能性如發光亮度、壽命及演色性等,其同意程度越高,願付價格會越高;對LED球泡燈產品的省能源效應,降低環保效應認同度越高,願付價格會越高。其他如消費者的居住條件,像是消費者的實際居住面積愈大,消費者的家庭每月總收入越高,消費者夏季電費越高,對高節能LED球泡燈的願付價格越高。除了對LED燈的認知程度及消費者的居住條件外,本研究也發現消費者對LED燈的使用滿意度及產品能源效率愈高,其願付價格也會愈高。


In order to reduce greenhouse gas emission and save energy consumption, worldwide governments prefer to draft a Law or Policy to ban to use incandescent and encourage consumers adopting energy-efficiency lighting. LED light bulb have benefits of higher light output efficiency and lower energy consumption than incandescent, do not contain mercury inside as well and can reduce pollution to environment, but current penetration rate is still low. So this research is using online survey in Taiwan and examines what factors does affect consumer’s WTP for LED bulb. Proceed data statistics and analysis, then proceed regression with OLS model and Tobit Model for first hypothetic question to analyze and predict consumer’s WTP(wtp11) for current 11W LED bulb and it’s related factors. Then proceed regression with Probit model for second hypothetic question to analyze which factors will impact consumer’s willing to pay extra cost on those 11W LED bulb which light output improved and being equivalent to 24W CFLs. Finally, proceed regression with OLS model and Heckman model for second hypothetic question to analyze and predict consumer’s WTP(wtp22). The result in this research is the higher perception ( Brightness, CRI, Product Life, Energy efficiency …..) of LED light bulb, consumers in Taiwan will have higher willing to pay to LED bulb. Larger living space, higher total family income and higher electricity consumption in summer to consumers, will have higher willing to pay to LED bulb. And if the LED bulb is higher energy-efficiency or higher light output or consumers feel more satisfaction on LED bulb, consumers will have higher WTP to LED bulb.


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