  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 顏上堯


營建工程中,營建廢棄物之運送方式以載運車為主,如何節省成本的調派車輛資源,實為業者獲利之關鍵。但實務界在調派車輛上仍然以人工經驗的方式進行規劃,於小規模中尚可規劃,但於大規模中,隨著處理工地及清運數量皆不同之特性,通常未以科學方法作系統性規劃,故決策者之經驗與能力往往決定成本的高低,因此本研究以系統最佳化的觀點,針對營建廢棄物清運排程規劃問題發展適合之模式,以提供決策者輔助工具,有效地規劃營建廢棄物清運排程。 本研究利用時空網路流動技巧,以定式營建廢棄物清運車輛在時空中的流動狀況,並根據問題特性加入限制式,以符合實務營運條件,並以成本最小化為目標構建模式。求解方法上,本研究將各工地旅行時間、運輸成本、處理費用等資料,利用C++程式語言配合數學規劃求解工具CPLEX進行求解。最後,為評估本模式之實際求解績效,進行範例測試與敏感度分析,結果甚佳,顯示本研究發展之模式可為實務業者之參考,以有效解決營建廢棄物清運排程規劃問題。


In the construction projects, truck is the main form of transporting construction waste. How to fast, efficient and cost-saving resources and vehicles is a key project profit of the industry. But practitioners operating in the resources deployed are still manually determined with staff experience. In the Small-scale project can still be qualified. However, in the Large-scale, due to the number of the site and processing number all different, usually not using scientific methods. Adopting scientific methods to increase equipment usage and reduce costs has become one of the important contemporary issues. We employ time-space network flow techniques to formulate the vehicles flows in the dimension of time and space, coupled with suitable side constraints comply real operating requirements, to develop the model. The model is formulated as an integer network flow problem with side constraints To evaluate the model and solution algorithm, we perform a case study using real operating data. The test results show that the model and the solution algorithm are good and could be useful references for carriers to handle transporting construction waste.


