  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳惠國


由於機車具有騎乘方便、經濟、動機性高等優點,成為台灣民眾最為普遍使用的運具,然而也因此衍生許多交通安全問題。根據內政部統計歷年A1類交通事故肇事車種發現主要以機車為主,佔將近50%,因此可將機車視為高肇事風險的車種。更進一步地依據機車事故年齡層分析,以18-24歲年輕族群最為嚴重,顯示年輕人可能因為初拿駕照、行車經驗不足、或安全觀念不夠,等致傷亡嚴重,成為機車事故之高風險族群。   本研究針對台灣地區156所大專院校,以集群抽樣之方式,分為北中南東四區,挑選其中50所學校,共1302位大專生參與調查,以多層次跨類別分析模式探討學校、地區與學生駕駛者間偏差駕駛行為之影響因素。   研究結果顯示,偏差駕駛行為、安全氣候、風險感認及駕駛態度彼此之間存在顯著的相關性。藉由模型分析,可以發現學生偏差駕駛行為在各學校之間具有顯著差異,但總體層級上,學校之安全氣候與來自的居住地對學生偏差駕駛行為並無顯著影響;而個體層級上,學生之風險感認與駕駛態度對偏差駕駛行為有顯著的負向影響,且風險感認也會正向影響駕駛態度。


Motorcycle is a mode of transportation which is convenient, economy, and motorized, these characteristics lead to motorcycle becomes one of the most general vehicles in Taiwan, and result in many traffic accidents. As stated by Ministry of the Interior, the motorcycles in A1 accident the number of events is the largest and accounts for nearly 50%. Therefore, the motorcycles can be regarded as the types of vehicles having a high accident risk. Moreover, on the basis of the analysis of the ages causing motorcycle accidents, it happens on young people age 18-24 most frequently. The result represents that young people could be injured seriously or even lose their lives because of just getting their licenses, not having much experience and sense of safety. This study sample consisted of 1,302 colleges and university students. 50 of 156 universities in Taiwan were selected according to their locations with North, Middle, South, and East four areas, and used Cross-Classified Random Effects Model (CCREM) to investigate the factors that influence aberrant driving behavior among schools, residences, and students. According to the result of this study, aberrant driving behavior, risk perception, attitude, and safety climate are significant correlated with each other. By model analysis, it can be found that student’s aberrant driving behavior have significant differences among schools. But in group level, safety climate of school and place of residence not significant influence on aberrant driving behavior. In individual level, risk perception and attitudes toward traffic safety have a significant negative effect on aberrant driving behavior. Risk perception also have a positive effect on attitudes toward traffic safety.


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