  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 張明宗


本文旨在探討並比較台灣與英國的電視媒體產業結構及社會福利。本文以收視率衡量傳統電視媒體的市場集中度,檢視近幾年台灣和英國的電視收視率,可知台灣的電視媒體市場屬於集中度較低的市場,英國則屬於高市場集中度,從產業組織理論我們可以推測,一個接近完全競爭的市場相較於接近壟斷的市場所帶來的社會福利較大;也就是說,台灣的電視媒體市場的社會福利會高於英國,此推測結果和直覺想像不同。 因此,有別於以往本國文獻以英國公共電視為借鏡,並探討如何改進台灣媒體環境與公共電視體制,本文以宏觀且系統性角度分析兩國的電視媒體產業,藉由結構-行為-績效理論探討兩國的電視媒體發展、比較兩國產業結構和社會福利,就社會福利,本文以產品多樣化衡量消費者福利,並以一個產業是否能提供國內廠商存活並發揮專業的平台衡量生產者福利。就產業結構,本文關心政府政策對電視媒體業的影響,以及垂直整合與垂直分工在電視媒體產業的樣貌。 而本文的結論為,就消費面, (1)英國徵收執照費將排擠想收看更多元節目的民眾的意願,且近年來公共電視的行為違背節目多樣性的訴求,將降低消費者福利;(2)在專業分工化的模式下,台灣的民眾能享受來自各個國家的優質節目,且台灣節目製作公司能累積製作不同節目類型的能力。就生產面,(1)台灣的垂直分工模式有助於階層流動,(2)相對於英國自給自足的封閉體系,開放式的跨國垂直分工模式,反而能為參與分工的國家提供各自能發揮的機會,累積核心實力。


This article aims to discuss and compare of the industrial structure and social welfare of television broadcasting industry between Taiwan and the United Kingdom. We use the audience rate to measure the concentration, and we can know that the concentration of television broadcasting industry in Taiwan is lower than the United Kingdom. From the aspect of industrial organization theory, the social welfare of a market close to competitive is higher than the market close to monopoly, that is, the social welfare of television broadcasting industry is higher than the United Kingdom. This conclusion is different with most people’s intuition. In order to figure out such problem, different with the mass communication theory have critics about the Taiwan’s television broadcasting environment, and learn the United Kingdom’s broadcasting model in to improve the environment in Taiwan, this article analyze the television broadcasting industry between these two countries with an systematic aspect, and apply the approach of S-C-P methodology to discuss and compare of the industrial structure as well as social welfare of television broadcasting industry between these two countries. We also use the product variation as the measure of consumer surplus and the platform which industry can provides the firms to play as the measure of producer surplus. We have some conclusions about why the social welfare of broadcasting industry in Taiwan is higher than the United Kingdom, first of all, at the consumer part, in the United Kingdom, license fee will exclude the people who wants the receive the programs from set-top box to get more programs to watch, and the action of public service broadcasting will go against the aims to pursue the diversity of the tv programs. In the vertical specialization broadcasting model in Taiwan, people can enjoy the programs all over the world and the program productions company can accumulate the productivity. Second, at the producer part, television broadcasting industry in Taiwan can increase the social mobility, the vertical specialization model that cooperate with foreign country can provides the platform that allows these production companies to play.


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