  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王俐容


摘要 王廷昌家族於清代乾隆年間自苗栗後龍上岸,輾轉遷移至新竹舊社、新社拓展家業有成。乾隆末年,平埔熟番領袖衛阿貴招漢佃進入關西拓墾,自此,王廷昌家族在關西定居至今已二百二十多年。關西原為泰雅族居住之地,就清代時期的開墾而言,屬於內山與番界相鄰之地域,直到乾隆末年實施番屯制才有正式拓墾活動,屬於開墾最艱難的地區之一。從王家與衛阿貴參與關西早期的拓墾且墾拓有功,並建置相當的田業,顯示王家對關西區域的開發,有其不可磨滅的貢獻。 本論文藉由研究清代新竹關西地區王廷昌家族的拓墾歷程,瞭解客家移民在早期的地理環境與歷史時空條件下之發展,進而認識清代北臺灣淺山地區發展的若干面相。論文闡述之重點主要置於三個部分:第一部分追溯王氏家族的遷徙歷史;第二部分探討王氏家族在臺的拓墾與發展;第三部分論及王氏家族的社會參與。 本論文研究發現,其一,從〈同立合議規條簿約字〉證明王廷昌在乾隆53年至嘉慶7年,在義民廟初期歷史扮演關鍵地位。其二,王廷昌家族在新竹客家地域發展的貢獻,因其拓墾事業與社會公共事務參與的相互配合,而逐步建立起家族的領導地位及名聲。其三,王廷昌家族具有面對挑戰的開創性格,從其家族的發展過程,可以看到不同族群在新竹淺山地區攜手合作拓墾的歷史縮影。 關鍵字:關西、咸菜甕、王廷昌、衛阿貴


關西 咸菜甕 王廷昌 衛阿貴


Abstract During the Qianlong era of the Qing Dynasty, the family of Wang Tingchang landed in Houlong of Miaoli, gradually moving to Jiushe and Xinshe in Hsinchu with achievements in family business expansion. At the end of the Qianlong era, Pingpu “cooked aborigine” leader Wei Agui recruited Han farmers to begin cultivation in Guanxi. By this point, the family of Wang Tingchang had been residing in Guanxi for over two hundred and twenty years. Guanxi was originally an area inhabited by the Atayal Tribe. In terms of cultivation in the Qing Dynasty, it was a region between the inner mountains and the Aboriginal lands. There was no formal cultivation until the aboriginal cultivation system was implemented near the end of the Qianlong era, and this was one of the areas where cultivation was most difficult. The fact that the Wang family and Wei Agui participated in early and successful cultivation at Guanxi, along with the establishment of considerable agriculture, showed that the Wang family made indelible contributions to development of the Guanxi region. This thesis seeks to research the cultivation process of the family of Wang Tingchang in Guangxi, Hsinchu, under the Qing Dynasty, in order to understand the development of Hakka immigrants under early geographical environments and historical and temporal conditions, in turn learning about certain aspects of development in the hilly regions in northern Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty. The thesis focuses on three parts: the first part traces the migration history of the Wang family; the second part explores cultivation and development of the Wang family in Taiwan; the third part deals with the Wang family’s social participation. Research in this thesis discovers that first, Words in Rule Books and Agreements of Consensus proved that between 1788 and 1802, Wang Tingchang played a key role in the early history of Yimin Temple. Second, the family of Wang Tingchang’s contributions in Hakka regional development in Hsinchu involved complementary cultivation work and social public affairs participation, gradually establishing the family’s leadership position and reputation. Third, the family of Wang Tingchang had an innovative character in facing challenges. The developmental process of the family showed a historical microcosm of different ethnic groups working together to cultivate the hilly regions in Hsinchu. Keywords: Guanxi, Xiancaiong, Wang Tingchang, Wei Agui


Guanxi Xiancaiong Wang Tingchang Wei Agui


