  • 學位論文


An electronic brainstorming system for improving creativity in topic sentence through keywords

指導教授 : 陳國棟


在近幾年來,創意的重要性逐年增加,而創意又與個人的認知有相當大的關係,倘若能在創意發想的過程中,給予適當的刺激物,則有助於刺激個人的認知,並促進創新想法的產生。文章的目的是在於傳遞思想給其他人,倘若內容平乏無趣,毫無創意,則難以讓人留下深刻印象,因此創意在作文中也是相當重要的。 相關研究指出,透過不同種類字詞的刺激,能增加產生創新點子的機會。而在團體創意發想方法中的電子式腦力激盪法,刺激創意所產生的效果比談話式腦力激盪法的效果更加出色。我們希望藉由這兩者的結合,研究在思考過程中產生的字詞,是否能夠提升創意發想的程度。 本研究建置一個電子式腦力激盪系統,讓小組進行腦力激盪,並加入了視覺化的圖示輔助連接字詞並記錄個人的思考,除了讓使用者先以題目關鍵字進行聯想之外,也加入對於題目不同方向的引導問題,提出參與者的想法,藉以研究在思考過程中所產生的字詞是否能夠有效地刺激使用者的個人認知,以及影響團隊間其他成員的認知,進而增加使用者本身的創意程度。 邀請了五十六位大學生及校外人士參與實驗。實驗結果顯示,使用本系統輔助創意發想的受試者,在三次實驗後所產生立意在創意度以及獨創性上,與對照組有顯著的差異。


In recent year, the importance of creativity in the world is crucial. Creativity is in connection with individual cognition. If a student can get priming when he is thinking, it is beneficial to alter his cognition and improve idea generation and creativity. Purpose of articles is to transfers thinking and viewpoint to other. Without creativity, an article is difficult to make a profound impression on reader. Therefore, creativity is also important in article. In the related research, there is evidence to suggest that different type of word can enhance opportunity to produce creative idea. Verbal brainstorming is the most used technique to develop creative ideas in group. However, researches indicate that experimental subjects generated more creative idea in electronic brainstorming (EBS). We want to combine above two elements to research on the effect of improving creativity when using EBS with word priming of the words produced during thinking process. In order to know whether the word priming can be used to influence individual cognition, increase idea quantity and alter group cognition, in this research, we developed a web-based EBS system for group brainstorming through word priming of the words produced during thinking process. Besides, we also developed visualized icon into the system to support experimental subjects to connect their idea with word priming and record their thinking.




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