  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳世叡


本文主要設計一低頻電磁式發電機,利用磁鐵與鎳膠之影響,來達到降低共振頻之效果。首先利用半導體製程技術在矽晶圓上製作一 7 mm * 7 mm * 0.2 mm 懸臂樑,利用光罩補償之設計,於懸臂樑前方留下重物,接著在懸臂樑上方點製作出五圈之線圈,在重物下方點上一層鎳膠。 從模擬結果中可得知,磁鐵四周磁場較強,因此將元件放置於銣鐵硼強力磁鐵邊緣,利用線圈在受到外部振動後與磁鐵所產生之磁場,產生感應電動勢達到發電之效果。 在量測元件後發現,於磁鐵邊長上方 2 mm 處,量測結果得知共振頻由 170 Hz 降至 157 Hz,電壓則由 172 mV 提升至 212 mV,也發現鎳膠擺放位置之不同,對懸臂樑發電會造成頻寬增加 20.65 Hz,發電量由 198 mV 降至 128 mV,共振頻下降 40 Hz 之結果,可得知懸臂樑之共振頻會隨相吸力增強而下降。


In this paper, a low-frequency electromagnetic generator is designed and fabricated by using a nickel layer to adjust its resonant frequency. Firstly, we used semiconductor process to produce a 7 mm * 7 mm * 0.2 mm cantilever on the silicon wafer and then used the compensation of the mask design to design the proof mass. Finally, five turns of the coils are produced on the cantilever and glued nickel layer on the bottom. From the simulation results, the magnet is surrounded by a strong magnetic field, so the element is placed on the edge of NdFeB magnets. We found that when the device is located 2 mm above the magnet, the resonant frequency was dropped from 170 Hz to 157 Hz, and the voltage was increased from 172 Hz mV to 212 mV. We also found that the placements of different nickel for cantilever generation will cause the bandwidth increased by 20.65 Hz, voltage down from 198 mV to 128 mV, the resonance frequency decreased by 40 Hz due to the repulsion force.




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