  • 學位論文


Expansion Stabilization Methods and Examination Technique of Slag Used as Fine Aggregate of Concrete

指導教授 : 李釗


本研究內容主要分為三個研究子題:(1)探討爐碴用於製作水泥砂漿棒檢測試體時之適當材料配比;(2)分析高溫高壓水蒸氣前處理對爐碴安定化程度影響;(3)提出爐碴作為混凝土細粒料的檢測方法及判斷標準。 爐碴是由煉鋼時所產生的副產物,因此其含有鐵的成分,使得爐碴擁有媲美天然粒料的強度及耐久性,是相當優良的粒料,但用在混凝土及道路基底層時,卻可能造成路面隆起和混凝土表面起泡的現象,其原因主要是因為在形成爐碴時,需要添加石灰來幫助造碴,但添加過多爐碴粒料中就會含有多餘的f-CaO與f-MgO,當遇到水後就會反應發生膨脹的現象,使體積膨脹100~300 %及77 %,導致結構物的損壞,影響生命財產的安全。 因為爐碴的再利用價值,近年來許多的材料中常會添加爐碴以減少成本支出,但在不清處爐碴成分的情形下,就可能會造成路面隆起及混凝土表面起泡的現象。為了解決這一個問題,本研究發現以水泥:爐碴體積比=1:3,及標準流度用水量進行拌和製成砂漿棒試體,之後再進行熱壓膨脹試驗,以膨脹量0.052 %及試體表面是否有起泡現象為標準,可以快效檢驗爐碴的膨脹行為,並確認是否可運用在工程中,同時也發現以215.7±1.7˚C之高壓水蒸氣將爐碴先進行前處理,可有效降低大部分爐碴的膨脹行為。


This research is divided into three sub-themes: (1) investigate the slag for making cement mortar bar test specimen the best material ratio;(2) analysis of high temperature and pressure of water vapor pre-treatment slag for the degree of impact on stability; (3) proposed slag as fine aggregate of concrete test methods and standards. Slag is a by-product generated when Steelmaking, so the ingredients containing iron, so that slag has comparable to strength and durability of natural aggregates, is quite a excellent material, but, when used in concrete and the road base layer, it may cause pavement uplift and concrete surface blistering phenomenon, the main reason is because when forming the slag, need to add lime to help making slag, but adding too much the slag pellets will contain extra f-CaO and f-MgO, when encountering water it will occur reaction of the phenomenon of swell, let the volume expansion from 100 to 300% and 77%, cause damage to the structure, affecting the safety of life and property. Because the value of re-use of slag, in recent years, many materials will added slag to reduce costs, but unclear slag composition in the case, it may cause pavement uplift and concrete surface blistering phenomenon. To solve this problem, the study found that in order to cement: the slag volume ratio = 1:3, and the water usage on standard mobility to mix and making mortar bars specimen, and then conducting autoclave expansion test, With amount of expansion 0.052% and whether there is the specimen surface foaming phenomenon as the standard, it can quickly test the behavior of slag on expansion, and check that can be used in engineering, but also found to pre-treatment the slag with 215.7 ± 1.7˚C high pressure of water vapor can effectively reduce the expansion behavior of most slag.


[3]財團法人台灣營建研究院,營建物價(Construction Cost Data),第68期,2008。


