  • 學位論文


Personalized Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device Based on Android System

指導教授 : 吳炤民


溝通是人與人之間傳遞訊息、表達意見以及交換思想的重要橋樑, 由於溝通障礙患者的認知、感官與動作受到限制或困難,影響個人情 緒、社交互動、學校教育、職場工作的獨立便利性以及語言發展能力, 故需要透過其他方式建立個人與外界的溝通模式。 本研究希望藉由溝通輔具協助各種溝通障礙患者改善人際關係, 促進健康和安全,增進自我控制和判斷的能力,參與家庭、學校和社 會的生活,增加個人就業機會,以及維持個人的獨立與尊嚴。因此本 研究利用Android 系統設計中文化語系、可自我新增與編輯溝通所需 的圖片以及具有錄音與文字轉語音的語音輸出功能,進而增加使用者 溝通、表達能力與使用意願。最後與衛生福利部桃園醫院新屋分院復 健科語言治療團隊合作,比較個案使用傳統圖卡製作的溝通簿和智慧 型行動裝置這兩種輔具的溝通成效。研究結果發現行動裝置協助個案 溝通的正確率、自發性口說字數率皆有提升且高於溝通簿的使用成效, 且透過行動裝置所花費的溝通時間於統計學上有顯著降低且趨於穩 定,故可以顯示行動裝置能夠有效輔助溝通障礙者表達能力以及提升 溝通效率。


Communication is an important way for people in exchanging information and sharing opinions between each other. However, personal emotion, social interaction, education, and job are affected by the limited cognitive, sensory and movement ability of people with communication disorder. Therefore, there is a need for them to develop an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to achieve the purpose of communication. The main purpose of this study is to develop an AAC to provide assistance for patients with various communication disorders. By using the developed device, these patients could improve their ability of self-control and judgment, their relationship with family and people, and increase their dignity and employment opportunity. Based on the platform of Android system, this device could provide functions for editing (addition and arrangement) pictures with different configurations, text-to-speech synthesized (TTS) speech or nature language recording to motivate the communication disorders to communicate with people. Furthermore, studies of comparison between the use of traditional communication book and our smart-mobile device-based AAC were conducted with Speech Therapy team on 6 subjects with communication disorders at Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Tao Yuan General Hospital, Ministry of Health and Welfare-Sinwu Branch. The results showed that our developed AAC had a better performance with statistical significance on accuracy and spontaneous speech than the communication book.


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