  • 學位論文

探索機器人學習活動之背景和經驗、動機、 策略與成就相關性:以國小高年級學生為例

A correlation analysis on background experience, motivation, strategies, and achievement in robotics learning: An example of elementary students in high graders

指導教授 : 劉旨峰 劉佩艷


本研究之主要目的在於探討國小高年級之機器人學習者於機器人學習活動中的背 景、經驗、動機、策略與成就間的相關性。研究設計採問卷調查法,調查對象為101 年學年度中,全台灣學習過機器人之國小高年級學生,研究者共發出1,135 份問卷,有效問卷322 份,並將322 份問卷用於統計分析。本研究之施測工具為自編的「個人基本資料調查表」、「機器人學習動機量表」、「機器人學習策略量表」與「機器人學習成就考卷」。以多變量變異數分析、點二系列相關、史比爾曼等級相關、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸分析,得到以下結果:一、男生的機器人學習者,其內在目標動機較高,策略上與女生無差異,成就較高。二、投入的學習時間越長的機器人學習者,其動機(自我效能、外在興趣、工作價值、內在目標)上的得分越高,在知識遷移、自我調整策略之得分越高,在學習成就得分也越高。三、數學成績為優之機器人學習者,其動機(自我效能、外在興趣、工作價值、控制信念、內在目標)上的得分越高。四、自然與生活科技成績為優之機器人學習者,其動機(自我效能、外在興趣、工作價值、內在目標)上的得分越高。五、數學成績、自然與生活科技成績為優之機器人學習者在知識遷移、自我調整策略上之得分較高。六、參賽得獎之機器人學習者,其動機(自我效能、工作價值、內在目標)上的得分越高。七、背景經驗、學習動機、學習策略與學習成就達顯著低相關。八、投入的學習時間、工作價值、性別對機器人學習成就有預測力。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among background experience,motivation, strategies, and achievement in robotics learning. The samples were the fifth and sixth graders in Taiwan. 1,135 questionnaires were distributed and the actual sample size for analyses was 322. The questionnaire comprised four subsets: students’ background experience,robotics learning motivation, robotics learning strategies, and robotics learning achievement. The statistical techniques utilized in this study include MANOVA, Point-biserial correlation coefficient, Spearman rank order correlation coefficient, Pearson product-moment correlation, and the stepwise multiple regression. The major conclusions of this study were summarized below: 1. Boys have higher intrinsic goal motivation and higher achievement than girls. No gender differences were showed in learning strategies. 2. Learners with more learning time have higher motivation in self-efficacy, external interests, task value, and intrinsic objectives than those with less learning time. Learners with more learning time have higher strategies in transfer of knowledge, self-regulated learning than those with less learning time. Learners with more learning time have higher academic achievement scores than those with less learning time. 3. Learners with higher math scores have higher motivation (self-efficacy, external interests, task value, locus of control, intrinsic goals) than those with lower math scores. 4. Learners with higher science and technology scores have higher motivation(self-efficacy, external interests, task value, locus of control, and intrinsic goals) than those with lower science and technology scores. 5. Learners with higher science and technology scores or math scores have higher strategies (transfer of knowledge, self-regulated learning) than those with lower science and technology scores or math scores. 6. The learners who had been awarded a prize in the competition of robotics have higher motivation (self-efficacy, task value, intrinsic goals) than the ones had not. 7. Background experience, learning motivation, learning strategies are significantly low correlation with learning achievement. 8. The learning time, task value, and gender have effective prediction to robotics learning achievements scores.




