  • 學位論文


The Impact of Customer Participation: The Customers' Perspective

指導教授 : 林明杰


隨著經濟不斷地發展,政府積極推動經貿自由化,服務業占我國經濟結構的比例已逐年提高,而在強調以顧客服務為中心的邏輯下,鼓勵顧客參與更是成為未來競爭優勢的來源。然而,顧客參與服務提供過程所造成的影響,例如提高顧客滿意、情感承諾及留客率等,在許多研究中卻有大相逕庭的結果。因此,我們有需要更進一步去探究並瞭解顧客在參與服務提供過程中的重要決定因素。 本研究發展一個整合性的架構來檢驗並解釋顧客參與服務提供過程的行為如何影響顧客關係價值的建立,並進而提高顧客滿意及其情感上的承諾,最後增強顧客再次重複購買的行為。由於在專業服務業中,如金融保險、法律及醫藥衛生等,服務人員與顧客之間的互動特別具有高程度的互信品質、高度的客戶接觸和客製化以及兩者之間的高度依賴,這些特色在顧客參與服務提供過程中更是特別的突出,並提供了雙方大量創造關係價值的機會。因此本研究便以金融保險業為研究對象,實證的資料透過問卷,以二階段系統抽樣法在臺灣金融保險業中先抽取第一階段的樣本,這個階段的樣本包含了七家保險公司及四家保險經紀人公司;第二階段再從這些保險公司及保險經紀人公司的顧客名單中以系統抽樣法進行蒐集取樣,最後總共得到454位客戶在我們的抽樣樣本中。本研究採用郵寄問卷作為調查方法,在寄出454份問卷並附上回郵信封給這些樣本客戶後,最後成功回收了176份有效問卷,有效回應率為38.8%。本研究得到這些研究資料後,在統計方法上則是利用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)來驗證本研究所提出之整合架構的適切性。 研究結果發現,顧客參與經由顧客關係價值,影響了顧客滿意及情感承諾。情感承諾則再進一步影響了顧客的再次購買傾向,但顧客滿意和再次購買傾向的關係在本研究中則不顯著。本研究認為,顧客參與對於服務人員以及顧客來說,可以是一個雙贏的局面。對於顧客來說,創造出良好的顧客關係價值,就愈容易建立和維護與服務人員或公司的長期合作關係;另一方面對於服務人員來說,加強顧客在服務提供過程中的參與,更能透過與顧客關係的建立,進而增強顧客再次購買的行為。本文的研究發現強調了顧客參與在服務提供過程中所扮演的角色,並說明顧客滿意和情感承諾為顧客參與的啟發價值,這對於如何設計服務流程以提高顧客的參與提供了一個很好的思考。 企業想要真正瞭解顧客,就必須對顧客價值進行系統的分析,以顧客的角度出發,開展建立顧客忠誠度的市場活動,鼓勵顧客與服務人員建立長期的關係價值,並據以提高顧客的滿意與忠誠度,進一步擴大顧客終身價值。本研究對於企業如何瞭解顧客、促進顧客在服務提供過程中的參與程度及提高顧客在企業中的終身價值,做出了進一步的貢獻。


Encouraging customer participation has even become a central tenet of a proposed service-dominant logic for marketing which could be the “next frontier in competitive effectiveness”. This new service-dominant logic views customers as proactive cocreators rather than as passive receivers of value and views companies as facilitators in the value cocreation process rather than as producers of standardized value. The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of customer participation in the service delivery process by designing and testing an empirical model with the customers’ point of view in mind. This study was conducted in the winter of 2010 aimed at the financial insurance industry in Taiwan. A two-stage cluster sampling design based on company size was used in the first stage sampling frame. The second stage was dependent on the enrollment size. Every xth customer was selected using a systematic sampling method. A total of 176 usable questionnaires were returned, meaning a response rate of 38.8 per cent. The proposed model is analyzed with partial least squares (PLS) path modeling in SmartPLS 2.0 software. The results of this study show that customer participation produces positive effects on customer satisfaction and affective commitment through the customer relational value. Affective commitment are strong predictors of repurchase intent, but no relationship between customer satisfaction and repurchase intent was found. This study suggests that customer participation can be a win-win situation for customers and the service firm. Customers who create relational value with their service providers effectively enjoy their services more and are more likely to build and maintain long-term relationships with their service firm. Our findings highlight the roles of the customer and indicate the heuristic value of viewing customer satisfaction and affective commitment as consequences of customer participation. The research contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating that customer participation can improve service outcomes through their positive effects on specific factors. By identifying the effects of customer participation in the service interaction, organisations can determine optimum roles for customers in the service delivery process that will yield a more efficient use of organization resources and improve operational performance.


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