  • 學位論文


Balancing Romanticism and Calvinism in Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick

指導教授 : 郭章瑞


摘 要 1851年,美國小說家梅爾維爾的«白鯨記»出版了,在當時並不受到群眾青睞。絕大多數讀者對於梅爾維爾所要傳達的意念是不能接受與不能理解;但是隨著時代演進,時間證明了梅爾維爾過人的文采、跨時代的寫作技巧及深刻的文學價值。«白鯨記»終於成為西方重要文學經典之一。透過捕鯨之旅,善與惡、上帝的存在與否以及個人在宇宙中的定位、追求真理等等的議題,都在這本巨著中被逐一檢視。梅爾維爾藉«白鯨記»中的亞哈伯船長—ㄧ個浪漫理想主義的烈士,及最終整個Pequod船上的船員的陪葬,對浪漫主義的崇高理想性提出強烈的質疑。此外,介於浪漫主義與傳統喀爾文教義盤纏糾結中的梅爾維爾,一方面對浪漫主義提出質疑,一方面又對喀爾文教義卻步。 本篇論文嘗試重回浪漫主義風潮的年代,找出梅爾維爾的叛逆精神源頭,及如何抵抗浪漫主義的理想精神,並以此探索浪漫主義思維在政治和社會的實踐。換句話說,本篇論文第一章將從浪漫主義中的拜倫式英雄主義及T. Walter Herbert, Jr.對梅爾維爾與喀爾文教義關係研究觀點出發,試圖重新脈絡梅爾維爾對拜倫式英雄主義及對喀爾文教義的反思及反抗,找出兩者在文本中的對話與套疊關係。浪漫主義中愛默生提倡人的超越性,但本論文中發現:梅爾維爾洞察了浪漫主義內存的問題,因而在«白鯨記»中用了許多象徵的手法與技巧,提出人性與神性、浪漫與理性、善與惡、生與死之外,人生的另一種解脫與超越,在經歷死亡的洗禮之後,展現出一種經過淬煉後新生命的可能性。 第二章「浪漫主義與喀爾文教義的內存問題」分析浪漫主義中的理想性,一味追求純粹真理、自我定位與人生意義的議題,以及極端喀爾文教義的種種弊端。第三章「文本中的浪漫主義」,針對文本中的浪漫主義象徵作檢驗。第四章「梅爾維爾對喀爾文教義的回應」,對文本中諸多想像的符號加以檢驗,並與梅爾維爾式的宗教精神性做連結,與傳統教義做比較;並探討兩者在文本中的角力與套疊關係。第五章「結論」總結各章的重點,以梅爾維爾《白鯨記》的浪漫美學及社會意識為基礎,呈現出一個較為完整的梅爾維爾式的浪漫主義精神。論述《白鯨記》中的拜倫式英雄主義理想精神,與威權政治結合後產出可能的強大破壞力,以潛在的威權政治抵抗以反本質論的出發點,來解構浪漫理想主義及喀爾文以神為中心的思想。《白鯨記》不僅是浪漫主義的殉道者,也是反抗威權思想的倡議者,使純粹的理想主義和理性主義在梅爾維爾筆下,淬煉出一種「中庸之道」的生命體驗。


Abstract Moby-Dick confronts certain philosophical issues, such as the struggle between good and evil, the existence of God and the pursuit of truth in a dualistic world. Melville challenges the lofty ambitions of mainstream Romanticism through the character of Ahab and initiates a rebellion against the Romantic spirit and Calvinism. This thesis traces the origins of Melville’s rebellion in the context of the social and political milieu of his age; especially, it compares with T. W. Herbert’s interpretation of Melville’s Calvinism to reexamine the intertwined and ambiguous relationship between them in Moby-Dick. Melville seems to suggest a middle path between humanity and God, sensibility and reason, good vs. evil, and life vs. death. In addition, Melville detects a potential danger of bringing about an enormous destructive force in Byronic heroism, if combined with authoritarianism. Melville is both skeptical of Romanticism and Calvinism, and proposes the middle path in a dualistic world. Chapter two examines issues generated by meeting of transcendental idealism, such as independence and self-reliance with the extremes of Calvinism. Chapter three contextualizes and reexamines the spirit of Romanticism in the text. Melville’s skeptical attitude toward Calvinism will be tackled in chapter four. Chapter five concludes by suggesting the Melville posits a middle path between the extremes of Romantic transcendentalism and Calvinistic determinism.


Wong, Hiu-Wai. “It All Starts with the Leg: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Prosthetic
Works Cited
Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. 8th Ed. Boston: Thomson Higher
Education, 2005. Print.
Adamson, Joseph. Melville, Shame, and the Evil Eye. New York: State U of New York
