  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 鄭漢鐔


自中國改革開放以來,中國境內五星級酒店歷經試探、摸索、溝通、合作、成長、茁壯等過程及中國經濟快速的起飛與發展,造就中國五星級酒店一個蓬勃發展的黃金年代。但隨著世界經濟陷入衰退的局面,中國經濟發展的速度開始放緩,GDP不再呈兩位數字成長的現在,中國五星級酒店開始進入成長與獲利的空前壓力區。自2012年中國新一代領導人上臺後所實施一連串的政治、經濟、社會與文化改革,讓中國五星級酒店的經營更是備感壓力。 個案酒店在歷經長期虧損的窘境,正思考如何改變經營策略或商業模式,已脫離競爭激烈的紅海市場。本研究主要目的有二:首先,本研究將探討中國在第十二個五年規劃啟動後,中國五星級酒店業所面對的改變與挑戰有哪些? 其次探討個案酒店在邁入經營第十年的時刻,面對外部環境的劇烈變化,該如何擬定策略方向,改善經營績效? 本研究運用8十國家模式的架構找中國五星級酒店所面臨來自於外部環境的挑戰。並依據8十商業模式及8十獲利模式來分析個案酒店在過去九年間,在兩次資本投入下的經營表現,確認造成目前經營績效不甚理想的原因,最後分析改變品牌策略或採區域策略聯盟的變更商業模式,重新預估可能的產生的8十獲利模式。 本研究主要結論如下: 1. 依據外部環境分析與8十商業模式分析,個案酒店正面臨一內外交迫的局面(事實上也是中國單體五星級酒店的共同情況),一方面苦於無法提升自身品牌權益,讓營收增加並帶來利潤;一方面窮於應付日益升高的市場競爭與經營成本的不斷墊高,致使EBIT、ROIC為負值,故個案酒店亟待就8十商業模式分析所歸納的問題進行必要變革。 2. 依據8十商業模式分析,個案酒店可考量以策略聯盟方式或與國際連鎖品牌酒店簽定特許經營權合約的方式,來提升個案酒店品牌權益與改善經營績效,唯依財務試算結果,本研究建議個案酒店以簽定特許經營權合約的方式來提升品牌影響力與強化行銷通路,來改善住房率及平均房價長期未達標所造成的整體酒店經營效益不良的問題。


Since the implementation of reform and open policy in China, the China 5-star hotel industry have gone through a progress of testing, exploring, communicating, cooperating, developing and booming. The industry took the advantage of the high speed economic development happening in China, and held an amazing achievement in China's hotel market. The economic crisis in 2008 brought the world economic to a recession status, and slowed down the develop speed of China's economic and GDP had no more two-digit growth. China's 5-star hotels are now facing an intense circumstance;another challenge may make the things worse is the new national policies trying to reform of politic、economic、social and culture system. So, China's 5-star hotels need to seriously review their own business model and trying very hard to find out the elements to generate the net profit and developing power, and prevent their hotels eliminated by the external environment and the violent market competition. The target hotel is now facing a long-term lose operations, and is trying hard to change its business model for escaping from the red sea competition. There are two purposes of this thesis, first, to study when China entered the twelfth 5-year national planning period, what kind of the changes and challenges are now waiting for hotels in China ? second, to study a near 10-year old hotel, the target hotel, how to challenge its external fierce environment and finds out necessary internal reforming activities, and how to set up useful strategies to improve operational performance, furthermore, becomes stronger and flexible enough to against competition. This thesis uses 8 cross national model, 8 cross business model and 8 cross accounting model to analyze the target hotel's performance during two different investment phases in the past nine years, and find out what causes make the poor performance nowadays, on the other hand, to find out if the target hotel modify its brand strategy or use area strategic alliances in its business model, could any progress happened after accounting projections. There are two conclusions of this study summarized as follows: 1. According to external environment analysis and 8 cross business model analysis, The target hotel is now facing an intense competition which is the same circumstance for the single-body hotel in China, not only be difficult to increase brand equity for the addition of revenue and net profit, but also be very weak to face the strong competition and cost increasing, both conditions make EBIT, ROIC negative. So, the target hotel needs to modify its business model to solve the problems raised by 8 cross business model analysis inside this thesis. 2. This thesis concludes two alternatives for the target hotel to change its business model, either one of franchisee agreement or area alliance agreement can increase its operational performance, but according to the finance projection, this thesis suggests the target hotel to become a franchisee of an international hotel group to enlarge its brand equity and improve its operational performance .


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