  • 學位論文


Analyzing the intention of attending fitness club

指導教授 : 林明杰


本研究以社會認知理論與計畫行為理論之觀點,輔以司徒達賢(2005)對目標、環境、條件之見解,分析目標、環境、條件對於健身俱樂部消費意圖之影響程度,並探討不同人口統計變項產生之差異及干擾效果。以20歲以上之消費者及潛在消費者為研究對象,使用網路問卷與紙本問卷作為調查方式,實證分析結果顯示: 一、目標、環境、條件對於健身俱樂部消費意圖皆有正向之影響,三者影響程度也有所不同。 二、以不同年齡層分析下,青年之目標、條件、行為意圖表現上高於中年及老年。不同可支配所得下,低所得與中所得者之目標皆高於高所得者;而低所得者其條件、行為意圖表現上則低於中所得者。 三、進一步探索目標、環境、條件影響行為意圖之特徵,經由因素分析萃取出五項影響因素,不同人口統計變項下,五項因素影響也因而出現差異,但未發現人口統計變項之干擾效果。   本研究在理論貢獻上,運用因素分析,將先前研究理論構面目標、環境、條件擴展為五項主要成分:生理成果期望、心理成果期望、朋友支持、家人支持與能力與資源,此項研究成果強化原先學者的理論模型,且有助於社會認知理論與計畫行為理論領域的後續研究。在實務貢獻上,本研究提供健身俱樂部業者發掘潛在客戶的指標,產業界可以此開發適合的行銷策略。 關鍵字:健身俱樂部、計畫行為理論、社會認知理論、行為意圖


In recent years, with the economic recovery, increased leisure time, and the promotion of government, people pursue lifestyles of health and sustainability. The status reveals that sport industry contains a variety of commercial possibilities. By the implementation of effective strategies, fitness club should be expanded more smoothly. The purposes of study are discussing the major factors that influencing the intention of attending fitness club from the view of consumers. This research based on the viewpoints of social cognitive theory and theory of planned behavior. Furthermore, the study explores the effects of outcome expectancy, social support, and capability and resource on intention of attending fitness club. Then, probing for the differences and interferes of demographic variables. The research results show that: 1.Outcome expectancy, social support, and capability and resource have positive influences on attending intention with different effect. 2.In different age group, outcome expectancy, capability and resource, and attending intention of youths are higher than middle-aged adults and elders. Comparing with different income, outcome expectancy of low-income group and middle-income group are higher than high-income group. But the results don’t show interferes. 3.After extracting factors from outcome expectancy, social support, and capability and resource, find five principal components. Comparing with demographic variables, the five components have different effects on intention. Key words:Fitness club, the theory of planned behavior, social cognitive theory, intention.




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