  • 學位論文


A Study of Sheng Nong Belief in Taiwan—An Example of Shan Se Temple in Sanchung

指導教授 : 李國俊


神農,是中國上古神話與傳說中一位重要的人物,向來被稱為中華民族的共祖之一,儘管歷來古籍記載對神農的描述大都是片斷、不完整的,然從這些記載和傳說當中,除了反映出原始生活與生產的狀況,更可深刻體現到神農在農業、醫藥、商業等對後世所做的貢獻,使後世對其恩澤感念至今,緬懷諸德。台灣神農廟宇數量達198間,足見神農信仰在台灣民間中仍具有相當的普遍性,反映出在台灣早期農業社會裡,居民敬天惜福的觀念仍深植於如今工商業型態的社會之中。 座落於臺北縣三重市的先嗇宮(又稱五穀王廟),從清乾隆建廟至今已有兩百五十六年的歷史,每年先嗇宮的神農誕辰慶典活動,不但是三重地區最具代表性的傳統民俗活動,其慶典活動更是名聞全台,本文以三重先嗇宮作為瞭解台灣神農信仰現況的範例,並從先嗇宮往昔的三重大拜拜形式到今日多元化的慶典內容,歸納出先嗇宮神農祭典變遷之時代意義,藉此整理神農信仰在臺灣的衍化與風貌,探尋古老儀式的當代精神。


神農 先嗇宮 五穀王廟 祭典 民俗活動


Sheng Nong (神農), an important character in Chinese ancient myths and legends, has long been called one of the common ancestors for Chinese peoples. Though records from ancient history revealed Sheng Nong in ways of fragment and incompleteness, they still showed the primitive life and production status at that time. Also, the records showed what Sheng Nong’s contributions on agriculture, medicine, and commerce and its impact for the future generations. After thousands of years, new generations still remember and appreciate what Sheng Nong had done for them. The amount of Sheng Nong temples in Taiwan is up to one hundred and ninety-eight which represented the universal value of Sheng Nong in Taiwan people’s heart. Besides, it also pointed out the concept of respecting gods and cherishing things which has been rooted deeply in people’s mind even today. The Shian Se Temple or the so-called Wugu Wang Temple is located in Sanchung City. The temple has been built for 265 years. Another saying is that it has been built since Qing Emperor Qianlong. Every year the temple celebrates Sheng Nong’s birthday. It is not only the symbol of a traditional folk activity in Sanchung city but also a famous festival around Taiwan. Thus, the thesis exemplifies the Shian Se Temple or Wugu Wang Temple, to understand the status belief in Sheng Nong. Also, the exploration of the worships to Sheng Nong from the earlier big banquet to the modern multiple festivals in Shian Se Temple in Sanchung, it may conclude the link of changes from the ancient ritual to cotemporary ritual in Shian Se Temple to reflect the changing belief of Sheng Nong in Taiwan and the real meanings of the ancient ritual it may represent.


