  • 學位論文


The formation and application of the Anti-Japan National United Front

指導教授 : 齊茂吉


中文摘要 統一戰線的理論基礎源自於馬克思(Karl Marx)與恩格斯(Friedrich Engels),至共產國際成立後,統一戰線正式誕生,後來列寧(Vladimir Lenin)、斯大林(Joseph Stalin)等人在俄國共產革命中,繼承和發展了馬克思的統一戰線思想。中共身為共產國際的支部,根據共產國際「反法西斯統一戰線」的精神,開始積極推動「抗日民族統一戰線」工作。 中共從1935年提出〈八一宣言〉到1937年9月公佈〈國共合作宣言〉,是「抗日民族統一戰線」由提出到政策成熟時期,為達成此一戰線,共歷經了「抗日反蔣」、「逼蔣抗日」和「聯蔣抗日」三個階段。 面臨生存危機的壓力,中共積極進行與國民黨政府及地方軍的接觸談判,對東北軍的統戰及後來發生的「西安事變」即是「逼蔣抗日」統一戰線最成功的例子。因此,從「反蔣抗日」轉變到「聯蔣抗日」的國共合作抗日之路,對於「抗日民族統一戰線」的成功起了關鍵性的作用,過程中,更是凸顯了毛澤東與國際派王明在統一戰線問題的分歧。 抗戰爆發後,毛澤東揮舞著「抗日民族統一戰線」的旗幟,在國統區和淪陷區尋求發展。首先,毛澤東建立青年組織和成立學校,來吸收知識份子成為中共幹部與紅軍,以政治教育團結學員,以軍事教育培育幹部;其次,毛澤東排除眾議主張「獨立自主游擊戰」、「打小仗,大宣傳」等軍事策略方針,以保存紅軍實力,並不斷地壯大自己在敵後根據地發展,奠定日後奪權的基礎。


Abstract The foundation of the United Front theory originated from Karl Marx and FriedrichEngels, it came into being formally after the Communist International was established. Thethoughts of Karl Marx’s United Front was inherited and developed by Vladimir Lenin,Joseph Stalin, etc. through the Russia Communist Revolution. As a branch of the Communist International, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started having a positiveimpetus towards the Anti-Japan National United Front based on the spirit of the Anti-FascistUnited Front. The Declaration of August 1 was developed by the CCP in 1935 until the Declarationof KMT-CCP Cooperation was proclaimed in September 1937. It was the period that theAnti-Japan National United Front was developed that they went through several phases:First, declared they were against Jiang and anti-Japan. Next, they convinced Jiang to unitewith them against Japan. Feeling the pressure, the CCP proceeded to negotiate with the KMT and local army.The united front fighting with the Northeast Army and the Xian Incident were the mostsuccessful examples of Forced Jiang, Anti-Japan united front. Therefore, the KMT-CCPCooperation caused critical impact on the fight against Japan. During this period, thedifference between Mao Zedong and Wang Ming of the international clique became clear. After the resistance against Japanese aggression broke out, Mao Zedong brandished theflag of the Anti-Japan National United Front. He sought for developments in the nationaldominion and under-occupied districts. First, Mao Zedong established youth organizationsand founded schools. He then assimilated intellectuals to be cadres of the CCP and RedArmy and united students by political education. Afterwards, Mao Zedong reserved thestrength of the Red Army, and established foundations to seize power in the future byexpanding the regions that were occupied by the Communist Party (CP).


Dorothy Borg,The United States and the Far Eastern Crisis of 1933-1938 (Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1964)
