  • 學位論文


Special Hakka Industry and Local Development: An Example of Tongluo Hong Kiok

指導教授 : 周錦宏


客家特色產業與地方發展:以銅鑼杭菊為例 摘要 自民國七十八年以來,一鄉鎮一特產的政策推動開始,各個地區開始為了提升地方特色而努力。一鄉鎮一特產的政策以其在地性、獨特性、文化性,來創造新的地方觀光價值,協助傳統產業的升級與轉型,讓生產活動更有效率,也提升了產品的品質。 銅鑼杭菊產業在銅鑼地區民國四十年代就有蹤跡,到現在為止仍有種植,甚至成了銅鑼鄉的地方特產,而本論文的目的即是:一、了解杭菊產業及地方發展之意涵。二、以銅鑼鄉為例,探討銅鑼地方的歷史、地方特色及產業文化,並且探究一鄉鎮一特產對地方發展的影響。三、了解銅鑼地區居民地方認同的情形,深入探討杭菊產業的推展與地方居民之認同感的關係。 研究結果發現銅鑼地區的杭菊產業帶動地方發展的成果只是少數,但是周邊的建設,例如:桐花公園、九湖自行車步道、九湖觀景台、虎頭崁步道、銅鑼科學園區、客屬文化園區等,反而帶動了杭菊未來的發展。在一鄉鎮一特產的影響下,杭菊成為地方聚焦的產業,地方居民對於杭菊做為地方的代表的態度大部分贊同的。但杭菊產業於種植杭菊的花農想法中,認為行銷仍需加強,否則面對大陸杭菊的傾銷,銅鑼杭菊恐會不保。而杭菊與客家的聯結則是與土地土壤性質息息相關,所以因為杭菊依附在銅鑼地區為一個客家農村,所以才被稱為客家特色產業。 關鍵字 一鄉鎮一特產 銅鑼杭菊 地方認同


Special Hakka Industry and Local Development: An Example of Tongluo Hong Kiok Abstract The government has been promoting the policy of one specialty in one town/township since 1989. Local governments worked hard in enhancing local characteristics. With the locality, uniqueness, and culture, the policy creates sightseeing values and helps traditional industries upgrade and transform. Production activities become more efficient and product quality is enhanced. The history of Chrysanthemum morifolium industry can be traced back to 1950’s in Tongluo. It is planted now and became local industry in Tongluo Township. The purposes of the paper include: 1) to understand Chrysanthemum morifolium industry and local development meaning, 2) to explore local history, characteristics and industry industry in Tongluo Township as well as influence of one specialty in one town/township on local development and 3) to understand identification of local citizens with Tongluo and explore relation between promotion of Chrysanthemum morifolium industry and identification of local citizens. The findings show that results of Chrysanthemum morifolium industry promoting local development are few. Surrounding construction such as Tonghua Park, Jiuhu Bicycle Lane, Jiuhu Sightseeing Platform, Hutoukan Lane, Tongluo Science Park, and Hakka Culture Park helped future development of Chrysanthemum morifolium. Chrysanthemum morifolium has become focus of the place under the policy and most of local citizens agree with the idea of having Chrysanthemum morifolium as the symbol of the area. For Chrysanthemum morifolium growers, marketing still needs to be improved or Hong Kiok will fade in competition of Chrysanthemum morifolium from China. Chrysanthemum morifolium is closely connected with Hakka in earth and soil, as Chrysanthemum morifolium is a Hakka village in Tongluo, hence it is called Hakka industry. Keywords: specialty in one town/township, Tongluo Hong Kiok, identification with locality


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Peet, Richard, 2005,《現代地理思想》(Modern Geographical Thought) ,王志弘、


