  • 學位論文


The plots of pledge in ”The sixty legends”

指導教授 : 洪惟助 孫致文


本文以《六十種曲》為研究範圍,試圖從同代作品的分析與歷代表記文學的比較中,結合明代獨特的文化背景,闡明明傳奇表記情節的時代特色,並確立其在表記文學發展中承先啟後的重要地位。 表記情節在明代大量產生,一方面是對前代社會與文學中贈物傳統的延續,一方面也受到當代經濟發展、思潮刺激、文體限制,以及創作群體——文人審美價值的影響。不僅將歷代盛行的表記類型都賦予了特定的象徵意涵,並發展出更細緻的表記描寫手法。而由贈物開展的一連串表記情節,在文人大量蹈襲下可看出逐漸規範化的過程,形成幾種常見的情節單元。《六十種曲》中運用表記的大部分作品,能連綴個別的情節單元,形成貫串全劇的敘事線索,且變化出較前代文學更巧妙靈活的結構模式;抒情手法上,則已有部分作品能以多支曲牌圍繞著表記意象抒詠心事,深入闡發表記的精神意義。無論是敘事或抒情技巧,皆為清代《長生殿》、《桃花扇》表記運用的高超成就奠下了基礎。 分析《六十種曲》表記情節的文化意蘊,亦可看出文人藉之實現人生理想的寄託。同時亦反映了明代士子對傳統儒家價值的重新思考,與佛道信仰對文人生命的浸潤。在這些表記情節中所塑造的女性形象,更是文人生命理想的投射,與傳統社會中對女性的價值要求有所落差。由此皆可窺見《六十種曲》表記情節透顯的文人色彩,成為明傳奇在歷代表記文學中獨具的時代特色。


This thesis is based on “The sixty legends” as the range of the research. From the comparison of the Ming Dynasty’s works of the literature and the literature of pledges to combine the special culture background of Ming Dynasty and to expound the plots of pledge’s time characteristic in Ming Dynasty. And to be sure that Ming Dynasty played an important role to carry on the past heritage and open up the future . There was a large number of the plots of pledge in Ming Dynasty. On the one hand, it continued the presenting traditions of the society and the literature in last Dynasty ; on the other hand, it was effected by the intellectuals’ Aesthetic standard that caused by Ming Dynasty’s economy, trend of thought style of writing and writing group. Not only each kind of pledge specific symbolic, but also the describing technique are more detailed. Those plots that about pledges were reused and copied by the writers. The style became more and more fixed, and it also became the common kind of plot. Most of pledge’s works in “The sixty legends” connected the single plot and the main clue of all the story. And the structures were more skillful and more nimble. As for the technique to express one''s emotion, some works expressed one’s emotion according to the speciality of pledge, to give the pledge more profound meaning of spirit. No matter the skill of narration or the emotional, it established the foundation for using the pledge’s high achievement in Ching Dynasty’s legend “Immortal Palace” and “The Fan of the Peach Blossom”. It can find the cultural connotation of Ming Dynasty from the plots of pledge of “The sixty legends”. The first one was that intellectuals achieved life dreamed by the pledge in the drama, to satisfy the official rank and the marriage. The second one was that the plots of pledge reflected the intellectuals pondered the value of the Confucianists. It had the contradictory psychology between challenge and acceptance. The third one was the spirits strength that the plots implication were the implication of the tree religions combination. The last one was the female image in the plot, just like the pledges, was the commitment of the scholar’s idea value, and the drop of the realist society made a request to the female. According to the above, it can find the plots of pledge of “The sixty legends” complicated the scholar’s characteristic. It was also the most unique point in Ming Dynasty’s legend of all the past dynasties’ the literature of pledge.


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