  • 學位論文


Pulsed narrow-line optical parametric oscillator in a Nd:YVO4 laser using a 2D PPLN and two volume Bragg gratings.

指導教授 : 陳彥宏


現今已有許多不同的技術能產生相對應的雷射頻譜輸出,但這些技術通常都無法控制所產生出來的雷射頻寬,造成在應用上的困難,像是在光通訊的應用方面,需要頻寬較窄以及特定的頻寬訊號來做為資料間的傳輸,因此在文獻中我們能夠看到許多窄化頻寬的技術應蘊而生,但這些技術都有相對應的缺點,利用體積全像布拉格光柵則是一個較聰明的方法,既可以窄化頻寬又可以避免能量的損耗,文獻中我們也可以看到相當多的應用。   週期性鈮酸鋰晶體做為光參量震盪器來產生所需要的波長以及Q調制元件已經是一個成熟的技術,本論文也成功的將兩種元件整合在同一晶體上,利用腔內的高能量脈衝基頻光(1064nm) 泵浦光參量震盪器,搭配兩個反射波長分別為1064nm、1560nm的體積全像布拉格光柵做為耦合共振輸出鏡,產生波長為1560nm的窄頻脈衝輸出光,和傳統使用分別使用對波長1064nm、1560nm高反射的介質共振鏡相比可以將頻寬窄化約16.35倍。   本論文第一章會先介紹實驗背景以及動機,第二章介紹所使用到各個元件的理論以及工作原理,分別為準相位匹配技術、主動式電光Q調制元件以及布拉格繞射元件;第三章則會介紹如何製作週期性2D分布的主動式Q調制元件以及光參量震盪器,第四章利用實驗來驗證2D分布式的週期性極化反轉鈮酸鋰晶片搭配體積全像布拉格光柵來實現光通訊波段的窄頻光源。第五章則是提出此論文的研究總結與未來展望。


Today, there are many different technologies to produce the corresponding output of the laser spectrum, but most of these technologies can’t control the spectral width result in the limit of the application. For example, such applications in optical communications need the narrower bandwidth of a particular signal to be the data transmission. Therefore, we can see many technologies of the narrowing bandwidth have been developed. However, these techniques have shortcomings. The use of Volume Bragg Grating is a more clever way, both narrow bandwidth and avoid the loss of energy that we can see a lot of applications in the literature.   Using periodically poled lithium niobate to be optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and Q-switched modulator is a mature technology. This thesis also successfully integrated the two components on the same chip, and demonstrated a spectral narrowed intracavity OPO (IOPO) in a Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser with a 1064-nm Volume Bragg Grating as the pump laser mirror and another 1560-nm Volume Bragg Grating as the OPO mirror which has been a factor of 16.35 narrower than that obtained in a typical IOPO system using two dielectric mirrors.   Chapter one will introduce the experimental background and the motivation and chapter two described the theory and working principle about the device in my thesis, such as quasi-phase matched, active electro-optic modulator and Bragg diffraction device; Chapter three will introduce how to make the distribution of periodic 2D active Q-modulation components and optical parametric oscillator. Chapter four will use experiment to verify the 2D PPLN with VBG that the device can achieve the narrow bandwidth optical communication light source. Chapter five is a summary of proposed research in this thesis and future prospects.


optical parametric oscillator Nd:YVO4 PPLN narrow-line pulse


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