  • 學位論文


An Optimization Model For Park Guard Manpower Assignment

指導教授 : 顏上堯


臺灣近年來經濟的發展、國民生活水準的提高,對於環境品質的要求不斷提升,公園早已成為民眾最重要的休憩及活動空間,因此公部門對於公園內設施及環境安全性之維持成為民眾滿意度調查指標之一。如何提供優質之休憩空間,必須仰賴巡查人員查報設施損壞、督導環境整潔及維持安全秩序,所以對於巡查勤務之排班上,應兼顧實際需求及公平性,以往公園巡查人力之安排,常以人工經驗方式為之,並非最佳化指派。因此經常令決策者花費大量時間處理及安排,其排班結果亦非最佳化指派。故如何派遣機關公園巡查人員之工作及其公平性之維持,為決策者所面臨的重要課題。 針對上述問題,本研究針對公園管理機關巡查業務,以整數線性規劃為架構,建立一套數學最佳化模式,並利用LINGO 8.0套裝軟體求解出巡查人員最小工作天數與人力指派之組合。由影響最小工作天數參數之敏感度分析,可瞭解本模式因各參數改變對最後運算結果之影響程度。經研究後發現本模式較人工經驗指派方法為優,其成果顯示本研究指派模式之效益佳且兼顧人員指派之公平性,可做為政府機關對於公園管理人力指派實務上之參考。


Economic development in Taiwan has raised the standard of living in recent years, therefore , demand for better environmental quality has rose, and local parks has become one of the most important recreational space for people . The facilities and safety of local parks has become a major indicator for government’s citizen satisfactory survey. Park guards need to patrol and report on the conditions of park facilities , supervise park sanitary and assure safety to maintain high quality of the parks. So work schedules of the park guards need to be arranged in a practical but also equal fashion. The arrangement of park guard which was not an optimistic arrangement was usually made artificially in the pastime. The front office usually takes much time to deal with in the past as well. The most important issue that front office concerns is to keep the manpower arrangement optimistic and fair. We develop an optimistic manpower assignment’s model to resolve the minimum working days of park guard and the combination of manpower assignment according to the study focusing on the sanitary auditing activities for the Park Management Office by utilizing LINGO 8.0 software. The susceptibility of the parameters act on the minimum working days help us to realize that the minimum working days change by the parameters have been setted in this model. After case studying, we find that the manpower assignment model is superior to artificial method. The results reveal that the optimistic model looks after benefit and fairness of manpower assignment. It can be the manpower assignment’s reference of park management officials in practice.


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﹝20﹞顏上堯、杜宇平、陳怡妃,「因應臨時事件機場共用櫃檯即時指派之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第三十三卷第一期, 59-82頁,94年。
﹝21﹞顏上堯、齊志仁、湯慶輝,「隨機需求下多目標長途客運排程模式之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第三十四卷第一期, 93-118頁,94年。
﹝24﹞顏上堯、陳佳宏、葉宗昇,「混合確定與隨機需求下捷運車廂檢修長期人力供給規劃之研究」,運輸計劃季刊,第三十七卷第一期, 79-108頁,97年。


