  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李憶萱


蘋果公司於2010年推出Ipad獲得廣大迴響之後,相續投入平板電腦產業之高科技廠商不計其數,包含宏碁、華碩、優派、三星、戴爾、惠普等等都投入平板電腦產品開發,嘗試創造殺手級應用,以期在平板電腦版圖中奪下市場領導地位。 本研究結合科技接受模型、理性行為理論、計畫行為理論以及美感理論,目的為探討影響消費者對平板電腦使用意願因素。透過釐清影響平板電腦使用者的使用意願之因素為何,以提供科技產品業者在規劃產品時之考量。 本研究對象為擁有平板電腦或是具有使用平板電腦經驗之消費者,有效樣本數為352份,以SPSS19.0以及Amos18.0進行資料分析,分別為敘述性統計分析、信度分析、效度分析、並以結構方程模式(SEM)分析研究架構路徑因果關係及解釋力,研究結果如下: 一、 消費者的個人創新性對其採用平板電腦之行為態度有顯著正向影響 二、 消費者採用平板電腦之愉悅感對行為態度有顯著正向影響 三、 消費者採用平板電腦之知覺有用性對行為態度有顯著正向影響 四、 消費者採用平板電腦之知覺易用性對行為態度有顯著正向影響 五、 消費者採用平板電腦之行為態度對使用意願有顯著正向影響 六、 社會影響對使用意願有顯著正向影響 七、 消費者採用平板電腦之知覺可行動性對使用意願有顯著正向影響


Since the successful release of Apple Ipad in 2010, many other I.T. hardware manufacturers such as Asus, Acer, Viewsonic, Samsung, Dell, and HP have joined the tablet industry through product research and advancement, targeting to obtain a leading position in the market of Tablet PC. This research is based on the integrated theory of TAM, TRA, TPB and Aesthetics, attempts to identify the factors that promote customers’ acceptance of Tablet PC. The model is tested via survey from 352 consumers who had experienced the Tablet PC or have been using it. The empirical data was analyzed from the aspects of personal information, reliability and validity analysis, followed by using of structural equation model to correlate the several variables. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. Personal Innovations had significant and positive effect on the consumer’s attitude toward usage of the Tablet PC. 2. Perceived enjoyment had significant and positive effect on the consumer’s attitude toward usage of the Tablet PC. 3. Perceived usefulness had significant and positive effect on the consumer’s attitude toward usage of the Tablet PC. 4. Perceived ease of use had significant and positive effect on the consumer’s attitude toward usage of the Tablet PC. 5. Attitude had significant and positive effect on the consumer’s intention to usage of the Tablet PC. 6. Social influence had significant and positive effect on the consumer’s intention to usage of the Tablet PC. 7. Perceived Mobility had significant and positive effect on the consumer’s intention to usage of the Tablet PC.


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