  • 學位論文


A study of the ethnic interaction of Hakka Village from the Viewpoint of language contact: a case of Ben-Gon Village in Sin-Wu Township

指導教授 : 周錦宏


笨港村位於桃園縣新屋鄉境內西側濱海的一個小村落,也是新屋鄉沿海地區最具有客家風情的傳統客家聚落。有很多人都認為沿海地區是閩南人生存聚集的場域,但卻很少人知道其實靠海的笨港村是個不折不扣的客家聚落。因此本研究旨在探討笨港村語言接觸與族群互動關係的狀況,針對笨港村閩客族群語言使用的程度與狀況予以探討,並探究經過語言接觸後,閩客族群長期互動的結果所形成福佬客家化的現象,且進一步探討笨港村泛客家化現象是否會影響閩客族群對客家文化的認同。另外本研究使用文獻分析法來探討語言接觸、族群互動以及族群認同等相關文獻,並根據計畫資料庫中量化與質化的資料進行分析,從中瞭解笨港村語言接觸與族群互動的關係。 研究發現「不同年齡層與族群背景」在語言能力、使用狀況以及語言接觸中,確實呈現不同層次上的落差;而笨港村閩客兩族群經過長時間接觸、互動下,受到龐大的客家人口包圍、客語為當地主要溝通語言、閩客族群大量通婚以及時空背景與環境的變化等因素,使得在笨港當地的閩南族群呈現較為特殊的福佬客家化現象。然而笨港泛客家化的現象,也促使客家族群與閩南族群對於客家認同的狀況,皆能夠表現正面積極的態度。


Ben-Gon Village is a small and by-the-sea village located in the Sin-Wu Town of Taoyuan, it is also a traditional village full of Hakka customs and feelings. Many people think the sea-brink area is full of Minnan people, only few people know Ben-Gon Village is actually a Hakka Town. This study aims to explore the language-contacts, and interactions between ethnics, focusing on the extent their languages are utilizing, further to investigate the root cause of assimilation from Fulao to Hakka among them through long-term interaction. Moreover, this research also discusses if such assimilation may induce Fulao ethnic to identify themselves with Hakka people. This study utilizes literature analysis to probe into the language contact, ethnic interaction and ethnic identification, carrying out quantitative and qualitative analysis from the existing data base, thereby understanding the relationships of language contact and race interactions in Ben-Gon Village. The research discovers that there are various extents of difference between ages and ethnic background, in terms of language ability, and utilization conditions. Two ethnics interact for a long history, along with other factors like intermarriage, the majority of Hakka becomes the main language ultimately, the assimilation from Fulao to Hakka did occur over the past years; as a result, the identification exhibits a positive and aggressive manner.


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