  • 學位論文


The relationship of family support , work value and job satisfaction

指導教授 : 張東生 蕭嬋


家庭:是人類生活中最基本且最重要的一種社會組織、是人格發展及社會化的發源地、更是人類面臨衝突、宣洩情緒及壓力的心靈港灣。 而對現今社會的工作者而言,工作與家庭是其生活中最重要的兩個面向,工作中發生的事無可避免地會影響到家庭生活,反之亦然。又工作-家庭議題台灣的研究尚在初起步之階段,但由報章雜誌及網路上卻常看到,不少在工作上遇到問題或工作不順利而輕生的員工之社會問題,這些都反映了資本主義下之家庭-工作問題,也禿顯出其研究之重要性。 本研究採取便利抽樣方式,利用實體及網路問卷來抽取樣本,共回收261份有效問卷,利用統計軟體 STATISTICA6.0,以員工之家庭支持對其工作價值觀、工作滿意度之因果關係模式為基礎、並加入工作價值觀對工作滿意度之影響來進行探討,其研究結果彙整如下: 1.員工的「家庭支持」對其「工作價值觀」有正向的影響。 2.員工的「家庭支持」對其「工作滿意度」有正向的影響。 3.員工的「工作價值觀」對其「工作滿意度」有正向的影響。 由本研究結果,管理者可以藉由了解員工的家庭支持狀況來了解其工作價值觀、提升其工作滿意度,進而可讓企業留住高契合的員工、同時順利邁向成功的途徑。


Family is the basic of human life and most important form of social organization. It is also the cradle of personality development and socialization, the mind harbor of people to face the pressure, conflict and vents the emotions. Work and family life is the two most important aspects of today''s workers. Work happened will affect family life, and vice versa. In Taiwan work - family issues are still in the preliminary stage, but on the newspapers、 magazines and the Internet we can often seen a lot of problems about today''s workers (as suicide staff who not working well nor can’t solve the work problems ). These kinds of problems reflected the family – work problems (work - family issues) under the capitalism, from the previous studies, there are fewer studies study about the relationship of employee’s "family support" and its "work value" and "job satisfaction". So it also highlights the importance of the research or this study. The research adopts convenient sampling by using physical and online questionnaire. In total, it recovers 261 valid questionnaires, using statistical software STATISTICA6.0, the research model is the relationship of employees’ family support to their “work value” and “job satisfaction”. The results of the research are: 1 "family support" has a positive effect on employees'' "work value". 2 "family support" has a positive effect on employees'' "job satisfaction". 3 "work value " has a positive effect on employees'' " job satisfaction ".


family support work value job satisfaction


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