  • 學位論文

網路拍賣再購行為的實徵研究 - 以台灣Yahoo!奇摩拍賣為例

An Empirical Research of Repurchase Behavior in Taiwan’s Yahoo! Auction Website

指導教授 : 何靖遠


在實體店面的行銷和銷售方面,吸引新客戶所付的代價是留住舊客戶的六倍,因此企業很大部分的利潤是由顧客的再購所創造的。在網路購物的通路上,再購的情形及其影響因素則是本研究的主要研究議題。 本研究結合行銷領域的RFM模型以及網路拍賣網站提供的評價資訊,針對網路交易中相同的買家和賣家,探討兩次交易的時間間隔(R)、過去買賣雙方交易總次數(F)、過去買賣雙方交易總金額(M)與上次交易買方給予賣方的評價,以及當次賣場總評價等對於是否再購的影響。研究者使用網頁內容探勘的方式,蒐集台灣Yahoo!奇摩拍賣中T恤類別商品在2011年3月份的真實交易資料。經過邏輯迴歸的資料分析,研究發現以六個月作為有效再購時間間隔時,兩次交易的時間間隔、過去買賣雙方交易總次數以及上次交易買方給予賣方的評價對於是否再購皆有顯著的影響。最後本研究針對所考慮的因素進行討論和事後分析,並提出本研究的管理和實務意涵。


It is said in the marketing and sales literature, the cost of attracting new customers is six times more than retaining existing customers. Thus, most of the companies'' profits are created by the customers'' repurchase behavior. This study is to examine the repurchase behavior and its antecedents in the channel of online auction website. Combining the RFM model of the marketing field and the sellers’ rating information in the online auction website, we examined the effect of the recency (R) of the last purchase, the frequency (F) and the monetary value (M) of buyer’s previous purchases, the rating given in the last purchase, and the overall seller’s rating on repurchase behavior with respect to the paired buyer and seller from one successful transaction. We collected real transaction data of T-shirt category from Taiwan’s Yahoo! Auction website in March, 2011 with web content mining technique. Through the logistic regression analysis, we found that using six months as valid repurchase interval, the recency of the last purchase, the frequency of buyer’s previous purchases, and the rating given in the last purchase have significant impacts on repurchase. Finally, the factors considered in this study are discussed and post hoc analyzed, and the practical and managerial implications of this study are given.


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邢哲源(2015)。檢驗奇摩拍賣平台 消費者跨商品類別的再購行為〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512074831
