  • 學位論文


Chairman of the Central Committee of CCP , Hu Yaobang''s life and as the research

指導教授 : 齊茂吉


胡耀邦於1929年加入共產青年團,開始其職業革命生涯。從江西中央蘇區,經「長征」到達延安。在延安進入「中國人民抗日軍政大學」高級研究班學習。結業後任中央軍委政治部組織部部長,在任職五年期間熟悉,瞭解中共各大軍中系統將校並與彼等建立良好之工作與個人關係,並屢得毛澤東耳提面命,是毛澤東權力體系核心成員之一。 1945年國共內戰開始,胡耀邦轉戰華北、西北、西南,解放後任中共川北區黨委書記。1952年調任中央負責青年工作,長達14年。文化大革命期間,胡耀邦亦遭到批判並關押在「牛棚」長達兩年半之久,後經中央批准返回北京,此後長期賦閒家中。 1977年3月,胡耀邦再度復出,出任中共中央黨校常務副校長,當1977年7月鄧小平恢復職務後,鄧小平選擇了胡耀邦為夥伴。胡推動「實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準」的討論,打倒了兩個凡是論派。在中共中央十一屆三中全會鄧小平掌握了實權,而胡耀邦也因助鄧有功,而在短短三年中,由中央政治局委員,中央政治局常委,中央書記處總書記,中共中央主席,中共中央總書記成為中共的第二代領導人。 從1978年到1987年,在此十年中胡耀邦的主要作為在發展經濟,發展民主政治,對外關係的三方面有顯著的成就。 在1987年1月,胡耀邦突然辭職,其原因與鄧小平及反胡耀邦之陳雲等元老派有著密切的關係。


Hu’s career as a professional revolutionary began at his joining of Communist Youth League of China in 1929. From the Central Soviet Region in Jiangxi, arriving Yanan after the Long March, Hu was admitted and began his advanced study at the Chinese People’s Anti-Japanese Military and Political University. Appointed as the minister in charge of organization of the political section of the Central Military Committee, Hu familiarized himself and built up well working and personal connections with the generals of Chinese Communist’s major military factions in his five years of service. Constantly given earnest exhortations by Mao Zedong, Hu then became one of the core members of the power system. As the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Kuomingtang (KMT) erupted in 1945, Hu fought in northern, northwestern, and southwestern theaters and became the party secretary of Northern Sichuan area after Communist’s victory in 1949. In 1952 he was transferred to the party central and was given the charge of youth work for fourteen years. During the Cultural Revolution, Hu was criticized and jailed in “bullpen” for two years. After he was approved for release by the party central to return to Beijing, Hu had been idling at home for quite a long time. Hu was reinstated as the Vice President of the Party School of the Central Committee of CCP in March 1977, and was chosen as partner by Deng Xiaoping who resumed his post in that July. Hu then promoted a discussion over “practice is the sole criterion for testing truth” and cracked the advocacy of “two whatevers.” After Deng resumed his full power at the Third Plenum of the Eleventh Party Congress, accredited for helping Deng gaining his power, Hu rose quickly. From Committee Member of Central Political Bureau, Standing Committee Member of Central Political Bureau, General Secretary of the Central Secretariat, Chairman of the Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party, and General Secretary of Chinese Communist Party, it only took Hu three years to become the second generation leader. Through his endeavors, Hu left significant achievements in developing economy, democracy, and foreign relations from 1978 to 1987. It is believed that Hu’s sudden resignation in January 1987 was closely related to Deng Xiaoping and Hu’s political enemy like Chen Jun. Key words: Hu Yaobang, Chairman of the Central Committee of CCP, General Secretary of CCP




