  • 學位論文


A research of completed years about Shang-bo 01(2405)V《The Maha Prajna Paramita》manuscripts fragments-Variant characters as the center

指導教授 : 萬金川


上博01(2405)V《摩訶般若波羅蜜經疏》寫本殘卷收錄於《上海博物館藏敦煌吐魯番文獻》,是上博01《佛說維摩詰經》寫卷背面的一份文獻,其卷幅 428.5 cm × 24.5 cm,因未載明年代及出處,僅知內容是關於佛經的論釋之作。   本論文主要在探究寫卷的成書年代及出土地域,早期翻譯《摩訶般若波羅蜜經》及《大智度論》的作者鳩摩羅什是在後秦(西元405年)時期所完成,而正面的寫卷乃書寫於五胡十六國後涼呂光時期(西元393年)。本文根據上述線索,運用歷史研究法、量化統計及文獻分析法,從以下三個方向:(一)內容所透露的三組關鍵字;(二)寫卷中的近300個異體字;(三)書法風格等;進行研究以達到本文的目標。本文採用《石塚數據庫》、《教育部異體字典》等網路資源及歷代出土的文獻進行比對;寫卷中的異體字經過整理,從增形、省形、混用、書法變化、整體創造等方面加以分析,獲知這些異體字在年代的分布上,有相當高的比例源自於「秦漢」時期。另從書法風格的角度來看,寫卷也都符合北朝早期「隸楷體」的特徵,故研究推判本寫卷確實是西元五世紀初的珍貴寫本。   在現今數萬卷的敦煌吐魯番文獻中,僅一千卷左右有年代可考,而早期的文獻更是鳳毛麟爪,本文的研究結果將有助於早期的古文字學領域略盡棉薄之力。


Shang-bo 01(2405)V《The Maha Prajna Paramita》manuscripts fragments collected in《Shanghai Museum collection Dunhuang -Turpan documents》are documents written on the reverse side of the Shang-bo 01《The Buddha Speaks of Vimalakirti V 1》manuscripts; its volume is 428.5cm × 24.5cm in total; the year and place of publishing were not written on it; we can only trace from its contents that it’s something about Sutra. The purpose of this study is to explore the year and place of publishing of these manuscripts. According to the historical records, Kumarajiva finished the translation of《The Maha Prajna Paramita》and《Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom》in later qin(405AD).and. the Shang-bo 01《The Buddha Speaks of Vimalakirti V 1》 manuscripts were written in the period of Five Barbarians Sixteen States.later liang Lu Guang(393AD).This study is based on the above clues, making use of historical research, Quantitative statistics as well as literature methodology and comprehensive analysis,and following the direction of:(1)the 3 sets of key word revealing from its contents,(2)the nearly 300 Variant chinese characters in the Manuscripts,(3)Calligraphy style etc, to achieve its goal. Also, this study compares《Hanzi Normative Glyphs》,《Ministry of Education-Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants》, network resources and unearthed ancient literature, analyzes the variant chinese characters in the ,manuscripts by Variance of stroke order, Variance of radical, Mix of radical, Variance of characters, and Variance of calligraphy style and find that most of the variant chinese characters were derived from 「Qin-Han Dynasty」. From perspective of Calligraphy style, the manuscripts are also conformable to the feature of Magistrate-calligraphy and regular-script in early Northern Dynasty. Thus this study presumes that these Manuscripts are actually precious Manuscripts in early 5th century. Only about one thousand in the tens of thousands Dunhuang -Turpan documents can be found their year of publishing, as for the earlier documents, it’s much more difficult to find their year of publishing. This study is to do a little bit of effort to help people nowdays to know the paleography.


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3、 吳新欽,〈北魏平城時期敦煌寫經書法的結體及其書史意義〉,《屏東教育大學學報》,第28期,2007年9月。
