  • 學位論文


The reserch of strengthening the practice ability of professional civil engineer and promoting the general quality policy of the public works

指導教授 : 林志棟


政府訂定專門職業及技術人員考試辦法已逾二十五年,當時立法精神 為提高工程品質及維護公共衛生安全,建立專門職業及技術人員執業資格, 透過法令對公共工程品質把關,目前營造相關法令及規則相當多且複雜, 隨著政府推動提升公共工程品質及一般民眾對生活品質重視,土木技師在 這關鍵年代,不再只是符合法令規定,全球氣候變遷影響造成天災頻傳, 維護國土安全組織裡,土木技師不能缺席,對於技師如何提升執行業務能 力已成現階段最重要的議題。 本研究以土木工程技師為研究對象,參考近年來政府機關及學者對技 師核心能力與執業困境改善制度研究彙整,將現行法令規範、生命週期架 構下產生問題及查核常見缺失整理出五大構面作為問卷準則,並完成問卷 分析調查結果後,利用SWOT矩陣分析策略產生表,對現行法令規範、營造 工程環境、土木技師本質學能等提出改善策略,對於強化技師執行業務能 力提升工程品質管理策略提出建議,並提出配套措施,改善技師受聘制度、 證照取得機制、後續管理方式、完整教育訓練課程規劃及技師督導執行落 實於工程管理中,提供土木技師於執行業務業時,自我檢視優缺點之依循 目標。


核心能力 SWOT 執行業務 土木技師


The government has formulated the Professional and Technical Examinations for more than twenty-five years. At the time, the spirit of the legislation was to improve project quality and safeguard public health and safety through the establishment of the Professional and Technical personnel qualification and through the Public Works Act for quality control. Presently the laws and rules are numerous and complicated, with the Government promoting public works to enhance the quality of life for the general public which has become more attentive to this issue. Professional Civil engineers in this critical era should not just comply with laws and regulations but consider the impact of global climate change which causes more frequent natural disasters. Professional Civil engineers and technicians cannot be absent from homeland security organizations as the issue of how enhance the ability to conduct operations has become the most important issue at the present stage. In this research paper, Professional civil engineering technicians are the subjects of the study. With reference to recent years, government technicians and scholars have examined the problems of the core competencies, the system of practice, existing laws and regulations, the life cycle of a problem under the framework and verification of common shortcomings. To assess this, five dimensions were identified as key questionnaire criteria. Completion of the questionnaire findings and using SWOT analysis on the existing laws and regulations will create a project environment such that Professional civil engineers can learn to improve on essential strategies for strengthening the operational capacity of technicians to enhance the implementation of project quality management strategies, propose recommendations and present a set of measures to improve the system of technicians employed, the mechanism to obtain certification, follow-up management, a complete training curriculum planning and technicians to implement the project management supervision of the implementation, and provide Professional civil engineers on the implementation of the business sector, the advantages and disadvantages of self-review to followobjectives.


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