  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 謝定亞


統包制度在國內發展已有數十年的執行經驗,但過往缺少了明確的法源依據,各機關使用情況略有不同,也較少採用此發包策略。政府自民國88年頒布實施政府採購法以來,在第24條規定:「機關基於效率及品質之要求,得以統包包辦理招標。前項所稱統包,指將工程或財務採購中之設計與施工、供應、安裝或一定期間之維修等倂於同一採購契約辦理招標。」,因此採用統包發包策略較於以往多出不少。 機關辦理統包發包策略,雖以設計帶施工之方式簡化介面、縮短工期等,囿於各機關對於統包制度的不熟悉,工程會函頒統包實施辦法、統包作業辦理須知等,甚而在民國98年頒布了「統包工程採購契約範本」,供各機關作為參考與準則。 然其統包發包評估與履約執行過程,仍產生許多問題,諸如:業主需求廣泛、統包商義務範圍不明確、工程變更、工程計價之問題等導致爭議不斷,在契約範本中也未見其相關問題訂定明確之條款。 因此,本研究將透過文獻回顧與專家訪談,予以彙整及分析在實務上統包專案執行時,各機關採用工程會統包契約範本所衍生之問題;並將工程會之統包工程採購契約範本與國際顧問工程師協會制定之Silver Book進行比較,針對條款不明確與缺漏的部分作一詳細檢討,以供工程會與各機關作為修改之參考。希冀透過本研究之成果,期能改善現況下範本的缺失,給予適當的建議,提升統包制度的使用。


Since the turnkey system has been adopted for decades in this country, the use of it in government projects is undermined by the lack of its understanding. After the Government Procurement Law was enacted in 1999, Article 24 mandates that: "Organs may handle turnkey tender based on efficiency and quality requirements. The aforementioned turnkey, means to merge the design and construction, supply, installation or maintenance of a certain period in engineering or financial purchase in the same purchase." Since then, the use of turnkey contracts in government projects is more frequent. Government agencies’ lack of understanding of the concept of the turnkey contract has pushed the Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan to promote the Contract Model for Engineering, Procurement and Construction”, as a facilitating reference. However, the introduction of the Contract Model is still without field testing and empirical success cases. Currently many problems still exist, caused primarily by wanton interpretation of the Contract Model by the parties. And therefore a variety of contract disputes will be generated. This study through literature reviews and interviews with experts, is to exchange and analyze the arisen issues during implementation of turnkey contracts; and also to compare The Contract Model For Engineering, Procurement and Construction of Public Construction Commission Executive Yuan with the Silver Book of FIDIC forms, and finally to make a detailed review for the missing and unclear part of the Contract Model itself. The outcome of this work will be used as a practical reference, if any modification is needed. It is hoped the results of this study can improve the lack in current situation and give appropriate recommendations to enhance the turnkey system in government projects.


6.何德操,「淺談統包工程履約之迷思」上下,營建知訊 ,民國96年12月~97年1月。


