  • 學位論文


The Impact of Permeable Pavement Utilization on Air Temperature above the Pavement and Building Energy Consumption

指導教授 : 林志棟


都市中由於建築環境及人口的集中與活動,使得溫度較鄰近地區為高,此種現象稱為熱島效應(UHI),鋪面為都市中影響熱島效應顯著因素之一,相關研究指出減緩熱島效應對策包括使用自然植披、涼化屋頂及涼化鋪面等方式,本研究主要針對透水性鋪面之使用對於空氣溫度及建築能源量使用進行探討。 本研究中量測資料包括氣象數據及鋪面表面溫度兩部分,首先利用統計方法分析各種變數間的相關性以建立鋪面表面溫度模型,並利用DesignBuilder 計算流體力學(CFD) 軟體進行透水性鋪面表面溫度對空氣溫度影響之模擬, 利用模擬結果以DesignBuilder 程式中之EnergyPlus 進行建築能源使用計算,並以國立中央大學總圖書館進行案例模擬,模擬五種不同鋪面型式(密級配瀝青混凝土/DGAC,透水瀝青混凝土/PAC,水泥混凝土,透水連鎖磚/PICB 及植草磚)使用下之差異,以水泥混凝土為基準;研究成果發現密級配瀝青混凝土和透水瀝青混凝土之使用,會使得空氣溫度提升並使建築能源使用量增加,當使用植草磚及透水連鎖磚鋪面時可降低空氣溫度及建築能源之使用。


Cities can be several degrees warmer than surrounding regions due to the built environment and the concentration of human activity, a phenomenon referred to as an urban heat island (UHI). Pavements are found to be a significant contributor to the UHI. Three commonly suggested strategies to mitigate the heat island effect are by using vegetation, cool roofing, and cool pavements. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of utilization of permeable pavement on air temperature and building energy consumption. In this study, site measurement is conducted to collect meteorological and pavement surface temperature data. Statistical analysis is used to find the correlation between variables and to develop the pavement surface temperature model. The impact of permeable pavement surface temperature on air temperature is investigated using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation package in DesignBuilder software. The result is further used in the building energy consumption simulation. The energy consumption simulation is done using EnergyPlus in DesignBuilder. National Central University (NCU) main library is used as the case study for the simulation. Simulation on five types of pavement (dense grade asphalt pavement/DGAC, permeable asphalt pavement/PAC, concrete, permeable interlocking concrete block/PICB, and grass block) with concrete as the base for comparison shows that applying DGAC and PAC increase air temperature and building energy consumption, while applying grass block and PICB can reduce air temperature and building energy consumption.


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