  • 學位論文


The Research of Xiang Qiao(1493-1552)

指導教授 : 吳振漢


本研究以理學名宦項喬為主題,探討其生平事蹟、仕宦歷程、理學思想、潔己愛民的為政事蹟。項喬將理學思想運用於爲官治民作爲,證明明代的理學思想並非僅是空談心性,無法與世道相結合。且透過本研究除可以更加瞭解明代理學思想、明代中期士大夫官僚、知識份子的思想活動,與王門後學活動狀況。並對於明代中期時事、地方政治、軍事、財稅、科舉、宗教信仰政策有更多的瞭解。   項喬著作不輕易示人,及至晚年時才集冊送梓,因為輾轉多地為官,講學時間較少,故門人弟子不多,其理學思想在歷史上,未具體形成地方門派。但項喬基本上崇尚朱熹的爲學精神,但因大部時間在南方爲官,與王守仁的弟子門人互動密切,使其理學思想受到當時學術主流王學之影響很大,因此,項喬融入王守仁的心學方法來輔助朱熹治學方法的流弊,强調要以「求放心之學」,作其爲學總論,並自成一家。   項喬地方官經歷,受其「求放心之學」思想影響,以嚴謹的管理、崇高的愛民、俯憐民病、疏貧濟困,並堅持除奸節用、不擾民,修正當時積弊已深的徭役、稅賦作法,得以調養生息,獲得好評。在平定地方盜賊,安撫徭徸亂事,也立下軍功。其提出的屯田、海防思想,轉化弊病已深的地方政治。


項喬 理學名宦 求放心之學


The theme of this research focuses on a famous official of Ming Dynasty Xiang Qiao and dig deeper into his life story, his career of a government official, his ideas on the Neo-Confucianism of the Ming Dynasty, and how he rule with caring for the people and high morality for himself. Xiang Qiao used his ideas on Neo-Confucianism on how to rule, make policies and proved that Neo-Confucianism was not only a philosophy of mentality which was far away from the society. Through this research, we can not only get a further understanding on the Confucian school of idealist philosophy Ming dynasty Neo-Confucianism, the bureaucracy, the ideas and activities of the intellectuals, and the situation of the successor of Yang-ming School in the Ming Dynasty, but can also probe into the events in middle stage of Ming Dynasty, local governments, military events, taxes, the imperial examination and the policy on religion of the Ming Dynasty. Xiang Qiao didn’t show his work to the public easily, it was not until his late life that his work was collected and be published. Xiang Qiao had been an officer to many local governments that he transfer from places to places so there weren’t many pupils when he gave lectures, and his ideas didn’t really form a school of his own in the history. But generally speaking, he advocated the ideas of Zhu Xi. Working in the south for a long period of time, Xiang Qiao was close to the disciples of Yang-Ming School, so his ideas of Neo-Confucianism was greatly influenced by the mainstream thinking of Yang- Ming School. Therefore, Xiang Qiao used Wnag Shoou-ren’s Yang- Ming School method to make up the deficiency of the ways to study that Zhu Xi promoted. He emphasized ”learning to seek for the lost mind” as the foundation of his ideas and formed an ideology of his own. The way Xiang Qiao ruled when being a government official was based on his idea of “learning to seek for the lost mind”. And he was praised for his conscientious management, lofty love for the civilian, care for the sick and the poor, frugality, and the preventions of the deceits. Also he corrected the defects of the tax system so people were allowed to live in peace. Xiang Qiao also won honor for crippling the local bandits and various military achievements. Many policies he brought up such as Cultivation and coast defense all helped to reform the long corrupted local government.


