  • 學位論文


The Ground deformation vicinity of Jet Grout Columns Right After the Completion

指導教授 : 張惠文


近幾十年來台灣因為經濟發展迅速,人口多往都會區集中,也帶來了居住空間與交通壅塞等問題。為解決此一問題,如何使土地更有效益之應用成為工程施工的一大困難與挑戰。當深開挖等工程越往大深度發展,為保護鄰近施工現場之建物,常會以地盤改良工法進行保護措施。在眾多的地盤改良工法中,以高壓噴射灌漿工法最常被應用,具有良好的止水效果、土壤剪力強度,並適用於多種不同的地質條件。 由過去高壓噴射灌漿施工經驗中發現,進行地盤改良工作時,曾造成地表沉陷或導致鄰近地下室產生裂隙。因係快速且大量地置換現地土壤,因此噴射灌漿樁體未固結前,不同的改良範圍可能對鄰近地盤造成不同之影響。本研究利用ABAQUS有限元素法分析軟體,模擬進行高壓噴射灌漿改良後灌漿樁體固結前鄰近地盤之變形特性,並探討工地中之施工載重與鄰近建物在前述之改良條件下對地盤位移之影響。研究結果顯示,當施工載重與鄰近建物距離改良位置愈近,對未固結高壓噴射灌漿樁體的影響愈大,除可能使地表下陷外,尚可能造成未固結高壓噴射灌漿樁體之樁徑縮小,導致地盤改良不完全,甚至發生垂直湧水之問題。


Due to the fast economical development in Taiwan in the recent decades, the population in some metropolitan districts increased rapidly. This also caused some problems of habitable area and traffic congestion. To solve these problems and how to use land effectively had become a big difficulty and challenge to construction engineering. The depth of foundation excavation and some other constructions are designed to some deeper positions in the ground. So, ground improvement methods are necessary to protect the neighboring buildings. Jet grout method is the most popular method due to its excellent sealing properties to groundwater and its shear strength. Furthermore, it can be used in various kinds of ground. In some construction cases which used jet grout method, ground settlement or apparent cracks in the neighboring buildings were found. The deformation of ground around columns may be caused by the softness of columns right after the completion of jet grout. Furthermore, construction loading and weight of neighboring buildings may offer some effects on the ground deformation. To investigate these construction problems, a series of FEM analysis was performed in this research. From the result of analyses, it is found that the construction loading and the weight of neighboring building do have some influences on the jet grout columns right after the completion of jet grout. Except the settlement of ground surface, it may cause the decrease of column diameter before the solidification of column material. This makes the incompletion of ground improvement, and may cause problems of vertical piping.


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