  • 學位論文


Examining the effects of social capital on research impact: A social network perspective

指導教授 : 陳彥良 嚴秀茹


研究著作之優劣,實攸關於學者的聲望並反映出其研究潛能。然而,較佳的研究影響力表現不僅鼓舞學者可以繼續維持他的研究工作,也同時增加了取得較高研究經費的可能性。考量到研究影響力之重要性,本研究假定其善用社會資本(social capital)亦是讓學者達成具備較佳研究影響力的一種有效途徑。在現實情況中,我們往往看到有些學者能夠經常發表於頂尖期刊。除了他們在研究表現十分出色之外,他們的研究合作網絡亦有進一步作探討的空間。換句話說,這些學者所處的研究網絡,亦可能幫助他們取得社會資本上的優勢。在過去文獻中,社會資本被定義為處於社會關係(social relationships)或社會架構中的資源。而這樣的資源優勢,使得他們的研究可以達到較好的研究影響力或是發表於頂尖期刊。 然而,社會資本對於研究影響力之研究,在目前所能獲取的文獻當中,並未被深入地探討。因此,本研究的目的在於引用社會資本理論來發展研究模型,定義出在網絡中所扮演的六種角色對於研究影響力的關係。研究影響力乃以文章引用次數(citations)作為衡量。研究樣本取樣於社會科學索引指標(SSCI)資料庫中的72位資訊系統領域學者。研究結果顯示,在網絡中扮演資訊站(information center)與中介者(broker)的角色,最能在網絡中得到資源優勢,進而改善文章品質、獲取更高的文章引用次數。另外,拓展與傑出學者關係的社交名流(socialite)角色,亦能幫助學者增進網絡中各類型的結構資本,改善其結構位置。最後,常與不同學者合作的探索者(explorer)角色,對於成為網絡中的中心位置(core position)與中介者有所幫助;投稿年資較深(veteran)的學者,則對於成為網絡的資訊站有所幫助。


The impact of research work is related to a scholar’s reputation and future promotions. Greater research impact not only inspires scholars to continue their research, but it also increases the possibility of a larger research budget from sponsors. Given the importance of research impact, this study proposes that utilizing social capital from peers, typically defined as resources embedded in a social structure, is an effective way to achieve better research impact. In reality, some scholars appear often in the highly rated journals. Besides their eminent contributions to research, this clue implies that these scholars might benefit from their social capital or social relationships, which in turn leads to better research outcomes and favorable consideration for publication in top-ranked journals. However, the extant literature rarely looks into the issue of social capital and its research impact. The contribution of this study is to define six roles (information center, core position, broker, socialite, explorer, and veteran) in the network based on three dimensions of social capital theory, and investigate how these roles interact and affect citations on publications. A total of 72 Information Systems scholars from the Social Science Citation Index database were collected to test the hypothesized associations. The results show that the roles of information center and broker receive more resources from colleagues in the network. Both roles can improve their research by taking advantages of receiving more resources, and thereby receive higher citations in publications. In addition, expanding relationships with outstanding colleagues (i.e., socialite) helps researchers develop all facets of structural capital. Moreover, if researchers collaborate with different scholars (i.e., explorer), it will help them shift to the structural positions of core position and broker. Finally, researchers with long publishing tenure (i.e., veterans) will contribute to the development of the information center in the network.


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