  • 學位論文


Risk Control System-based Design Methodology for Occupational Safety and Health Performance Indicators

指導教授 : 于樹偉


績效量測可幫助事業單位有效掌握管理系統運作的成效,事業單位常運用績效指標作為量測績效的方式。常見的職安衛績效指標主要分為兩類,被動式指標利用已發生的事故及職業疾病案例數作為職安衛執行績效的依據,這類資料雖容易收集,但在安全管理運用上仍有許多不足。主動式績效指標是於意外事故、職業病或事件發生前,量測事業單位安全衛生目標的達成度,但由於主動式績效指標不容易設計且國際安全衛生系統指引僅提供可能的量測方式或範例,未明確說明設計步驟,因此本研究以設計步驟為主題。英國安全衛生署於2006年頒佈「發展製程安全指標」指引,該指引結合績效指標與瑞士乳酪事故理論,提出以風險控制系統為基準的製程績效指標設計方法,但職安衛潛在的危害不同於製程危害,英國安全衛生署在「成功的衛生與安全管理」,亦將風險控制系統視為重要概念。 因此本研究參考HSG 65尋求OHSAS 18001中符合風險控制系統原則的控制系統,並參考發展製程安全績效指標的六大步驟,建立以風險控制系統為基準的職安衛績效指標設計方法。相較於常見的績效指標,能更早辨識管理系統的缺失,在事故或事件發生前,提早辨識風險控制系統潛在的問題。本研究將頻率、未正確執行的後果、功能隨時間衰退等辨識條件,依據程度的差異給予積分,以辨識風險控制系統的關鍵項目,辨識關鍵項目能避免多餘的成本、時間、資源浪費,同時達到監測風險控制系統的目的,並運用侷限空間作業及動火作業為案例,以驗證績效指標設計方法的可行性。


Performance measurement is an integral part of the PDCA management process. Benefits of performance measurement of an occupational health and safety management system include the provision of information on implementation status, identification of areas needing corrective actions, provision of the basis for continual improvement. Occupational health and safety management systems are measured by a set of reactive, or lagging, performance indicators and positive, or leading, performance indicators. Most of the indicators used in measuring the performance level of an occupational health and safety management system are designed based on the organization’s experience in health and safety management or derived from national or international guidelines and standards. This approach greatly hinders the effectiveness of performance measurement. A performance indicator design methodology is proposed in this study to alleviate the commonly encountered problems in occupational safety and health management. This study extends the design principles of HSE’s developing process safety indicators guide to the design of occupational safety and health indicators. This is based on the rationale that risk control systems are the core for both process safety management and occupational safety and health management. As illustrated in HSG 254, the reactive indicators are based on the intended outcomes of the risk control system while the positive indicators are derived from the critical elements of a particular risk control system. The risk control system-based design method provides a set of precursors to the iii traditional performance indicators. They are capable of detecting potential problems with the risk control systems before the occurrence of accidents or incidents. To facilitate the selection of critical elements of risk control system, weighting factors are assigned to the specifics of the system such as correct execution of activities, potential system deterioration over time and activities execution frequency. Effectiveness of the proposed performance indicator design mechanism is validated with confined space entry and hot work permit risk control systems. It is hoped that the proposed design technique will enhance the effectiveness of occupational safety and health management performance.


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