  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 范錚強


行政院於2009年提報通過「綠色能源產業旭升方案」,建議以台灣ICT產業之優勢,發展能源資通訊 (Energy Information & Communication Technology; EICT) ,包含相關監測裝置與管理平台之研發。透過能源管理技術、效能監控技術與資通訊技術整合應用,以提升能源系統之使用效率,降低住商大樓之能源消耗,達成節能減碳的目標。 建物能源管理之概念自1960年逐漸形成,隨著社會發展及資訊科技的突破,為了符合各種大樓的需求,將資訊科技處理大量數位化資料、網路快速傳輸的技術應用於建物能源管理,發展為具備室內環境能源使用最適化之建物能源管理系統 (Building Energy Management System; BEMS) 。既有的BEMS以有線方式建構之感測網路,機動性與可行性受到限制,且有線感測網路會導致二次建築施工成本偏高,如今可以運用無線感測網路來達到監測的效果,並且以高科技代替人力資源以及減少人工佈線的麻煩。建置 BEMS,不僅需投資成本,且需長期維護管理,對建物業主而言實為困擾,將 BEMS 服務化,建物業主可依其本身的需要取得服務內容,不需自行建置 BEMS,降低擁有成本,提升應用可行性。 本研究主要探討S公司在既有資通訊科技的基礎上,配合政府能源資通訊產業政策,結合物聯網技術、雲端運算技術及服務管理機制,將BEMS發展為「智能建物能源管理服務」之商業模式,藉此機會,發展能源資通訊事業新應用市場,增加營收來源。


In 2009, the Executive Yuan approved the third wave of its emerging industries initiative—the “Dawning Green Energy Industry Program” to develop the Energy Information & Communication Technology (EICT) industry, including related monitoring devices and management platforms. Through applications integrating the energy management technologies and ICT technologies, the efficiency of energy use can be enhanced, thereby reducing energy consumption of buildings to archive the goal of carbon reduction. Existing Building Energy Management System (BEMS) rely on wired sensor networks, thus mobility and feasibility is limited. The wired sensor networks will result in surmountable secondary construction costs. By employing wireless sensor networks, monitoring can be achieved while avoiding rewiring. BEMS requires not only investment costs and long-term maintenance and management services, resulting in very high entry barrier. In addition, servitizing BEMS not only can provide building owners with services tailored to their needs, but also lower cost of implementation and ownership, thus improve feasibility. Company S is a major provider of software services in Taiwan. Based on its existing strong information and communication technology foundation, this study proposes a new business model, “Intelligent Building Management Services,” that including servitization of wireless sensor-based BEMS. The proposal takes advantage of governmental support in EICT, and integrates the “Internet of Things” technology, cloud computing technology. A feasibility study was conducted and concluded feasible.


2、 Cloud Computing accessed on 2012/3/2,
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