  • 學位論文


New product introduction phase with the new and old equipment load tools demand - to the panel industry case companies

指導教授 : 葉英傑


2010年正式邁入3D-LCD(3 dimensions-Liquid Crystal Display)的新紀元。3D-LCD新產品在生產初期,為節省廠房及設備成本,會將生產3D-LCD的設備建置在原有生產TFT-LCD(Thin Film Transistor - Liquid Crystal Display)的工廠,搭配新、舊設備進行生產,但是因為製程不同,舊設備所衍生的產能置換比,比新設備減少約20%的產能輸出,將造成設備稼動率下降,進而影響生產排程。本研究將以生產製程中所產生的瓶頸站對載具需求的影響為方向,針對3D-LCD新、舊設備及生產線流程環境等進行三個階段的研究。第一階段,確認本研究的模型功能是否符合案例公司作業現況。第二階段,比較案例公司的載具需求計算方式與本研究所推導的載具需求計算方式並比較兩者之間的差距。第三階段,將研究成果導入案例公司,降低待料損失,追求最大利潤。 本研究使用模擬軟體來建置一套完整的生產線模型,是一個非常直接且有效率的方式,針對不固定的設備狀況及良率狀況,隨時將資訊更新,就能在模擬軟體的協助下大幅縮短攏長的計算程序。在使用模擬軟體過程中,需特別注意模型建置完成後的驗證與資料收集,避免因參數設定的及小誤差而產生對結果模擬出錯誤的結論。


3D-LCD 載具需求 產能置換比


The 3D-LCD (3 dimensions-Liquid Crystal Display) was officially entered into a new era in 2010. The new products of 3D-LCD in an early phase , In order to save the plant and equipment costs , The production of 3D-LCD equipment build factories in the original production of TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor - Liquid Crystal Display), But the process is different, The output of the old equipment capacity has reduced by 20 percent as compared with new equipment .The influence of output on product plan are serious. This research in the direction of the bottleneck in the production process station for load tools demand , We will complete the research in three phase . The first phase, Our simulation model passed muster with the case company actual status , The second phase , Compared the load tools compute of case company with our simulation model and the gap between the two. The third phase of research results into the case companies to reduce the loss of to be expected and pursuit of maximum profit. This research uses simulation software to build a complete production line model, It is a very direct and efficient way for non-fixed equipment condition and yield conditions at any time to update the information, The assistance of the simulation software will be able to substantially shorten the rope length computing procedure. Using the simulation software, Pay particular attention to the model to build after the completion of the verification and data collection, to avoid the parameter settings and error to produce simulation results to the wrong conclusions.


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