  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


全球經濟由於各國寛鬆政策調整、北非與南韓政治情勢,以及新興國家通貨膨脹隱憂等不確定性因素,成長力道將轉趨溫和,呈現新興市場經濟以內需支撐成長,而與先進國家的緩慢復甦調脫之現象。台灣則在雨岸關係持續熱絡下,外貿、內需均可望持續成長。面對100年度全球經濟成長力道趨緩與西進中國之商機,本公司將以謹慎樂觀的態度與積極穩健經營的原則,持續掌握國際動態與追縱兩岸情勢,把握契機。 本公司鑑於金融海嘯後金融版圖之變遷,更確立金融業資產收集對長期穩定獲利之重要性。為逹「極大化股東報酬」的目標,本公司中長期經營策略將朝證券、銀行與保險三大支柱的發展模式,聚焦於: (一)證券求好:持續深耕與發揮經營證券相關業務領域之競爭優勢。 (二)銀行變大:提昇銀行資產規模與競爭力。 (三)壽險介入:伺機立足於人壽保險領域。


The strength of the global economic growth will be moderate due to a number of uncertain factors such as governments around the world adjusting their lose monetary policy, the unstable political situations in northern Africa and on the Korean Peninsula as well as inflationary concerns in emerging economies. As a result, we will sea phenomenon of decoupled development. While economic growth in the emerging markets will be sustained by domestic demand, the pace of economic recovery in the industrialized nations will be gradual. As cross-strait relations continue to warm up, Taiwan can expect to maintain growth in both foreign trade and domestic demand. The company will take a cautiously optimistic attitude, operate under the principle of active and sound management, and stay keenly attuned to international developments and the cross-strait situation to face the slowing of global economic growth in 2011 and seize business opportunities in China Due to the changes in the financial landscape after the global financial crisis, the company emphasizes even more the importance of asset accumulation in the financial industry for long-term stable profits. In order to reach our goal of maximizing shareholder return, the company’s mid- and long-term strategy for business development is geared toward a three-pillar model encompassing securities, banking and insurance businesses, and their respective focus will be as follows: (1)Optimizing the securities business by continuing to deepen and expand our competitive strengths in securities-related business fields; (2)Expanding the banking business by raising the bank’s asset scale and competitiveness (3)Entering the life insurance business at an appropriate time to gain a foothold in the sector.


3. 方世榮 譯,2006,策略管理,台北:東華。
13. 范麗娟,1994,深度訪談簡介─戶外遊憩研究,7卷2期,第25-35頁。
4. Barney, J. B., 1991, “Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage.” Journal of Management, Vol. 17, pp. 99-120.
6. David, Fred, 1986, “The Strategic Planning Matrix ─ A Quantitative Approach, ” Long Range Planning, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 102-107.
7. David, Fred, 1988, “Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases,” 11th edition, p. 17.
