  • 學位論文


Religion and Development of Local Community:Take the Er-lun temple in Zhuolan as an Example

指導教授 : 賴澤涵


本文主要探討卓蘭的民間信仰與地方社會的發展,並以當地的信仰中心-峩崙廟為例。因卓蘭鎮位於苗栗縣最南方,山多平原少以致開發較晚,直到乾隆四十八年(1783)才有粵人入墾。當地一再與生番發生衝突,因而祈求從原鄉帶來的三山國王,發揮「山神」之力,庇佑墾民,於是詹姓人家至彰化霖肇宮恭請三山國王至卓蘭,搭建小木屋供奉三山國王,因屢屢顯靈,信眾為感謝三山國王神威,居民出錢出力,多次的改建與整修,峩崙廟成為今日卓蘭地區最大的寺廟。 現今社會安定,開發完成,原住民再也不是居民首要解決的問題,三山國王地位並不因此下降,反而在居民心中成為無可替代之神祇,家中不論大小事仍會定期向三山國王「報告」,加上受到鄰近鄉鎮的影響,閩粵族群交流,文化相互影響,使得廟中的配祀神數量眾多,一方面滿足不同居民的需求,也提供「無家可歸」的神祇有棲身之地,讓信徒繼續膜拜,展現出峩崙廟的多樣化與包容性。 峩崙廟除了提供信眾求神問卜,並舉辦各種祭祀活動,凝聚地方向心力,地方的詹姓家族也利用擔任廟中各種職務,展現家族聲望與提高社會地位,看出政治與寺廟的結合關係。近年廟方積極舉辦各種活動,並提供社會救助與獎學金發放,使廟宇不再只是信仰中心,而是具有整合地方社會及維繫在地情誼的功能。 因此,本文以地區發展史為方向,研究卓蘭的地方發展與寺廟的連結,從清中葉至民國時期的轉變,依自然環境、人文社會、土地拓墾、民間信仰、祭祀活動、地方家族與公共事務等方面逐一分析。


三山國王 卓蘭 峩崙廟


This study is based on the local Er-lun temple, to discuss the religion and local development in Zhuolan. Zhuolan Township, which is located in the southest of Miaoli County, wasn’t developed due to a mountainous district until 1783 Kwangtung Province people settled down. Zhang family built a cabin for Three Mountain Kings flag, which is invited from Linchao temple in Changhua to Zhuolan. For appreciating its’ efficacy , local peopledonated money and helped this temple rebuilt. Er-lun temple becomes the biggest temple in Zhuolan areanowadays. Locals were kept invaded by aborigine, so they pray for the Three Mountain Kings, which is natural mountain god from their homeland. Zhang family With the developments, aborigine’s problem wasn’t the first priority to pray for. Locals “reported” almost everything to Three Mountain Kings regularly and it made Three Mountain Kings an irreplaceable status. The gods in Er-lun temple was increasing to satisfy the local needs by the culture fusions between Hakka and Hokien, and it also offer a place for “homeless gods” to stay. Er-lun temple shows it’s culture diversity and tolerance. To Zhang family, besides holding ritual activities, served in Er-lun temple made them a respectable family and get into a high societyimportance. Recently, Er-lun temple played more than a religion place to locals by holding various kinds of activities, proving social succor and scholarships, which integrate local society and hold local peopletogether. Therefore, this study research on local development history of Zhuolan, analyze the relationship between Er-lun temple and local development, and also the changes on natural environment.


Three Mountain Kings Zhuolan Er-lun temple


