  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 黃同圳 鄭晉昌


電子產業為各國重點發展之工業,而半導體產業為電子工業中的關鍵產業。舉凡國防、通訊、資訊、運輸、消費性電子等產業,其成長發展與半導體技術不斷日新月異息息相關。近年來,由於建廠及製程技術研發成本不斷高漲,許多傳統IDM廠商將持續把製造委外代工,朝向Fab-lite 及Fabless轉型;而台灣廠商所建立的晶圓代工模式更帶動了IC設計業蓬勃發展,Qualcomm 及Broadcom這兩家專業的IC設計公司在2011年也晉升前十大半導體公司。來自IDM廠商及IC設計公司的龐大產能需求使得晶圓代工廠的產能經常供不應求,因此適時提升產能,滿足客戶需求,成為晶圓廠的重要課題。 半導體產業投資金額大,一座八吋廠的成本大約10億美元,其中製造設備的採購及安裝就佔了八成,金額超過新台幣兩百億,裝機到試產需時三個月以上;又半導體產業景氣變化劇烈,各大廠均面臨嚴峻的挑戰,對新廠及設備的購置均十分謹慎。因此,以現有機台增加產能,是半導體廠降低成本及提升競爭力的關鍵。本研究試圖找出設備效率不佳的因素,從中進行改善,進而增加產能及公司競爭力。 本研究以A公司五廠高電流離子植入機(HCI)作為研究個案。A公司為專業晶圓代工公司,旗下之一的五廠常因高電流離子植入機產能不足而無法滿足客戶的強大產能需求。有鑑於此,成立工作小組以Ford 8D 手法進行分析。Ford 8D是解決問題的8條基本準則或稱8個工作步驟,針對出現的問題,找出問題產生的根本原因,提出短期,中期和長期對策並採取相應行動措施。本研究提供一個實際案例,可以瞭解應用8D法提升設備產能的過程,以供企業對於解決問題的參考。


Electronics industry is very important in every country, and the semiconductor industry is the key point for the electronics industry. The rapid growth of semiconductor technology also changes defense, communication, information, transportation, and consumer electronics industry. In recent years, fab construction and process technology R & D costs rising, many of the traditional IDM(Integrated Device Manufacturer)companies will continue manufacturing outsourcing, head towards to be a Fab-lite and Fabless company. Foundry, this business model created by the Taiwanese manufacturer makes IC design industry growing. Two professional IC design companies: Qualcomm and Broadcom, are promoted to the top 10 semiconductor company in 2011. Huge capacity demand from IDM and IC design companies usually makes the production of foundry in short supply, therefore timely to improve productivity and meet customer demand is an important lesson for the foundry. Large amount of investment in the semiconductor industry is necessary. An eight-inch fab costs about $ 1 billion, 80% for manufacturing equipment (about NT $20 billion) and from equipment installation to trial production will take more than three months. Prosperity of semiconductor industry changes very quickly, every semiconductor company is facing severe challenges, it’s very cautious to construct a new fab or to purchase new manufacturing equipment. Therefore, to increase productivity of existing machines is more important to semiconductor fab to reduce costs and enhance competitiveness. This study attempts to identify the factors of poor equipment efficiency then improve it to increase productivity and competitiveness of semiconductor companies. High current ion implanter in A Company, fab 5, is the topic in this study. A company is a professional foundry, its fab5 was often unable to meet the customer''s capacity requirements because the high current ion implanter was the production bottleneck. For this reason, we set up a team to analyze this problem in Ford-8D procedures. Ford-8D uses eight basic criteria to solve the problem. To solve problem, we first identify the root cause of problem, and propose short, medium and long-term plans and take appropriate action. This study provides a practical case to understand how to use 8D method to improve productivity and also be a reference to solve the problem.


ion implanter Ford 8D semiconductor industry foundry


3. Stevenson, W.J., Operations Management, 何應欽編譯, 全新台灣版, 作業管理, 滄海書局, 台北市, 2011年。
2. Fairchild semiconductor, Monolithic Integrated Circuit Patented, 取自http://www.fairchildsemi.com/company/history/#
一. 外文部分
1. Kepner, C.H. & Tregoe, B.B., The new rational manager, 伍學經, 顏斯華譯, 問題分析與決策, 中國生產力中心, 新北市, 2004年。
2. Quirk, M. & Serda, J., Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology, 羅文雄, 蔡榮輝, 鄭岫盈譯, 半導體製程技術, 台灣培生教育, 台北市, 2003年。


