  • 學位論文


Field of Nightmares and Memories of Shame: The Cultural Representations of Baseball Scandals in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王智明 白瑞梅


1968年的「紅葉傳奇」被建構為台灣棒球史的濫觴。然而,接踵爆發的超齡、冒名頂替風波,在解嚴後成為批判國民黨政權體育政策的社會學研究重心。1990年代尾聲及至今日,數度發生的職棒簽賭案,更使得「紅葉」成為以醜聞介入台灣棒球史的另類起點。1968年的少棒超齡風波與1997年的「黑鷹事件」標誌著台灣棒運史二階段的幻滅──儘管兩者時代背景殊異:前者是威權時代、三級棒球、國族神話的破滅,後者則是解嚴後、商品化社會職業棒球的沉淪。台灣棒球醜聞的歷史特色便在於「榮辱與共」的矛盾修辭(oxymoron)──自「紅葉」伊始,榮耀與羞恥便非截然對立的反義詞,而是理解當代台灣棒球文化再現的重要症候。 弔詭的是,儘管迭受道德非議,醜聞卻不期然間為當代體育史打開一個「幻影空間」(phantasmatic space)。在這片潛意識的「夢田」中,遭到壓抑的魑魅魍魎、負面情感,漸次浮現於屏幕之上,觀眾得以直面殞落的球星,並在他們演繹己身的羞恥之際,在象徵的層次上達成和解的可能。因此,本文選擇前此論者較少觸及的電影文本為切入點,希望藉此透過羞恥的詢喚(interpellation),呈現此前為醜聞所遮蔽模糊的面目,亦即棒壇醜聞的「罔兩」及其羞恥感。


台灣棒球醜聞 幻影空間 羞恥 罔兩 詢喚


The 1968 “Red Leaf Legend” had been constructed as the genesis of Taiwanese baseball. In the post-martial law era, however, the overage/forgery incident at the underside of the legend has been the central focus of sociological critique against the Kuomintang’s nationalist sports policy. From the late 1990s on, the recurrent professional baseball game-fixing scandals has made the Red Leaf a point of departure to intervene with modern baseball history. Despite their socio-historical differences, 1968 and 1997 mark the stories of disillusionment at two different phases in Taiwanese baseball history: the former as the disenchantment of a nationalist myth constructed during authoritarian regime, while the latter, the corruption of post-martial law commercial society. In this regard, Taiwanese baseball scandals are characterized by a pride-and-shame oxymoron since the Red Leaf, which is a crucial symptom in understanding contemporary representations of Taiwanese baseball culture. Paradoxically, though subject to moralist condemnations, scandals have unexpectedly opened up a phantasmatic space for contemporary sports history, in which the repressed penumbral figures and backward feelings re-surface on the screen. In this field of dreams (or nightmares), the spectators are interpolated to come face-to-face with the fallen heroes, and reach the possibility of reconciliation with the latter. Thus, this study anchors less attended visual representations as the object of analysis, so as to reveal the faces heretofore obscured by scandals.


Filmography and Media Sources
In European Languages
Carter, Thomas F.. The Quality of Homeruns: The Passion, Politics, and Language of Cuban Baseball. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008.
Chuang Tzu [Zhuangzi 莊子]. “Discussion on Making All Things Equal” (Qi Wu Lun 齊物論). The Complete Works of Chuang-Tzu. Trans. Burton Watson. New York: Columbia, 1968.
Elsaesser, Thomas and Malte Hagener. Flim Theory: An Introduction through the Senses. New York and London: Routledge, 2010.
