  • 學位論文


The effect of internal and external childcare resource on children''s health outcomes.

指導教授 : 蔡偉德


本論文旨在探究家庭內外照護資源的多寡對兒童健康產出的影響。本研究使用行政院衛生署所提供的『國民健康訪問調查』資料庫,並利用鄉鎮市區代碼鏈結外部資料(如醫療機構數、學生教師比)來作為家庭外部照護資源的解釋變數。本研究依據不同衡量兒童健康產出反應變數的特性,分別使用多元logit、Logit、Truncated poisson 及秩序logit 迴歸模型來作估計,並著重於兒童個人行為、家庭結構、家庭社經地位、主照顧者的教育程度及個人健康行為、外部醫療資源及學校照護資源對兒童健康產出的影響。 本研究實證結果顯示,在控制住兒童個人特徵(如年齡、性別)之後,除了兒童個人行為會最直接影響到自身的健康產出之外,兒童的家庭結構、主要照顧者的社經地位及健康行為都會對兒童健康產出有顯著性地影響。其中,兒童行為的養成會受到主要照顧者的影響,故透過兒童個人行為亦可反映主要照顧者的照護行為。其次,透過提升主要照顧者的教育程度以建立貣良好的健康知識及行為,可以降低兒童過重及肥胖發生的風險。然而,外部醫療環境資源的豐富程度確實對兒童健康有正向相關的影響。


This paper is aiming to exame the effect of internal and external childcare resources on children’s health outcomes via using the data of 2001 and 2005 National Health Interview Survey in Taiwan. We collect the data of external reources at zip-code level (e.g., the numbers of medical facilities and the students-teacher ratio), and use them as the proxies of childcare resources outside the family. In this study, we empirically verify the effects of various measurement of childcare resources on children’s health outcome via multinomial logit, logit, truncated poisson and ordered logit model. We also take into account the influence of factors relating to children’s behavior, family structure, caregiver’s socioeconomic status and health behavior, as well as external educational and medical resources, etc. Our empirical results show that the child’s behavior, family structure, caregiver’s socioeconomic status and education are important determinants of the children’s health outcome. Moreover, caregivers’ adverse health behaviors will bring negative effects on children’s health behaviors and health outcome. Caregiver’s education is negatively associated with the children’s risk of being overweight and obese. Further, children who live in a area with rich medical resource tend to be healthier.


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