

本研究課題在探討創新如何幫助企業創造對環境、社會的永續價值。 傳統企業著重於經濟面向,卻經常忽略了對環境、社會的影響。近來諸多成功企業採行綠色創新,體認善盡社會責任對企業可創造長期價值及競爭優勢。不但在獲利之餘能顧及對社會與環境友善的要求,而且經由商業模式的改變,更創造了新的綠金商機。 檢視DJSI中,"創新"對標竿個案企業於社會責任的揭露與評量的重要性,"綠色創新"絕不只是在商言商,更可強化公司對環境、社會所製造出來的價值。公司追求永續性,應不只是為展現社會責任,本文提倡: 1. 唯有以綠色創新共創環境、社會的永續價值,企業才能永續; 2. 企業應跳脫霸道的金錢追逐,改求創新商業模式的EPS (Environment Protected Society),才是王道。


社會責任 綠色創新


The research is to depict and conclude how innovation can help an enterprise to create sustainable value to environment and society. The conventional enterprise only focuses on the economic aspect, and usually overlooked the impact to environment and society. Recently, some successful companies adopt green innovation, deem their fulfillment on corporate social responsibility can lead to long term value to company and enhance their core competency. On a consequence, not only the business advantage can be gained, but also initiated new green business opportunities. From the elements of DJSI indices, we can learn the importance of “Innovation” for the leading companies to do CSR disclosure and evaluation. “Green Innovation” is not only focuses on the business itself, but to reinforce the value that a company brings to sustainable environment and sustainable society. To pursue sustainability, we advocate that an enterprise not only focus on the fulfillment of social responsibility but need to: 1. utilize green innovation to create shared sustainable value to environment and society, which is the best way to achieve sustainable business; 2. discard the dictatorial way to run business, on the contrary, to pursue the innovative business model, EPS (Environment Protected Society) is just the benevolent approach to success.


1. 企業倫理與永續經營, 邱慈觀教授
2. 贏在商業模式,哈佛商業評論 2011年1月號
3. 綠色創新力,哈佛商業評論 2009年9月號
4. 普哈拉的創新法則,普哈拉 (C.K. Prahalad) / 克利斯南 (M.S. Krishnan)

