  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林文政


從全球資訊網(World Wide Web,WWW)發明至今短短20年,資料傳輸技術、雲端概念以及各種終端裝置不斷推陳出新,除了改變了人類的生活經驗,也改變了過去接觸媒體的習慣。這改變,不但讓一向以電視媒體為企畫/購買中心的代理商產業面臨空前的變革,也預設了未來數位化消費環境的藍圖。 本研究探討受此衝擊的媒體代理商產業,在當前時空背景下的經營管理策略與因應產業環境的未來看法。除了透過文獻探討數位匯流的趨勢以及對傳統媒體代理商在經營面的各種影響,也運用策略管理中的策略層級、取向、構面來了解個案公司之經營策略,並對代理產業所面臨的經營現況提出建議。 透過對個案公司的探討,本研究之重要結論如下: 1. 「數位匯流」的發展方興未艾,傳統媒體代理商除了以傳統的「電視」媒體作為企畫核心外,也需加入以「網路」為主的新媒體進行「雙核心」式的跨媒體整合進行綜合規劃。 2. 在經營毛利遞減與激烈的競爭環境下,公司的「扁平化組織」與「資深服務」已成了媒體代理商必備的要件,不但作為競爭的區隔,也藉此來提升服務品質並強化公司的「價值」。 3. 根據新媒體所發展的測量指標(KPI)已成為各代理商競爭的主要競爭工具,尤其廣告效果日益降低的同時,媒體代理商需設計消費者對廣告活動的回饋做為整體評估,才能完整瞭解廣告效果。 4. 匯流時代,消費者社群行為的改變,促使代理商從過去大眾的思維,改為針對單一對象之社群互動、分享以及消費者對廣告活動涉入程度的探索,以發掘新的媒體足跡(Media footprint)。未來廣告媒體的型式將會更多元,媒體企劃將回歸到以消費者為核心的溝通方式;這對媒體代理商也將是一波存在價值的考驗。 5. 媒體代理產業是因廣告主的需求而存在的,需運用專業服務來創造獨特的價值。因此,未來媒體代理商需具備「規模」與「經營的區隔」才有生存空間,尤其具備「人」與「策略思維」的特色將有助於公司價值的展現。


The invention of Word Wide Web (WWW) has been over 20 years, and people’s lives are greatly influenced by the following technology advancement such as the data transmission technology, cloud computing, and the various converged devices. The advancement also changes people’s habit of media contacting, bring impact to the media agency industry and mapping the consumption environment in the future. The present study explores the response and the management adjustment of the media agency industry under the impact of the digitization. By reviewing the literature to understand the influence of Digital Convergence on the management of traditional media agency, using the idea of strategic hierarchy, strategic orientation, and strategic construct on strategic management to investigate the strategy of corporate operation and propose suggestions for the industry to respond the challenge . The study indicates the following result after the analysis of the company. 1. The Digital Convergence trend demands the media integration of traditional media agency. Basing on television, the tradition planning core, integrating internet-based new media, the traditional media agency need to work a synthesized program. 2. Developing a flat organizational structure and offering specialist service are required for the media agency to survive in the environment of severe competition causing a profit dilution; it can not only achieve market segmentation for competitive advantage, but also can enhance the customer service and strengthen the company value. 3. The Key Performance Indicators (KPI) developed for assessing the performance of new media has become the main assessing tool relied by the media agencies. Media agency need an overall and precise assessment to the effect of the advertising activity on customer in the time the advertising effect is reducing. 4. The customers'' social behavior is changing in the ear of Digital Convergence. The media agency should change the strategy from the mass communication to following the new media footprint by investigating the social network, sharing, and the advertising activities involvement of single customer. To respond the various forms of advertising media in the future, the planning core should return to the customer; it is also an unavoidable challenge for media agencies. 5. The media agency industry is a business existing for serving the advertisers, and the value of the industry is based on its profession. A qualified and survivable media agency are one with sufficient “business size” and “operation separation” in the future, in addition, with features of “humanity” and “strategic thinking” can help express the corporate value.


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